Biblical meaning of eagle in dreams (symbolic and spiritual meanings)

As a theologian, I am interested in knowing different perspectives on interpreting dreams. I was particularly interested in understanding different interpretations of eagles in dreams in 2021.

My friend was launching his charity club for cancer patients, and during the same period, he had recurring dreams about eagles.

He asked his wife, who is a Christian dream interpreter, and she said God was pleased by his devotion and he would be rewarded.

She gave us more meaning, and it made me gain interest, and I started researching. I read the Bible, consulted other dream interpreters and fellow theologians, and read articles online until satisfied.

So, last week, we discussed dreams involving animals in our online forum. She wanted interpretations about dreaming about eagles because she had recurring dreams.

It started a heated debate, and many people asked me for answers as a theologian. Since I had researched thoroughly, I answered easily.

So, let’s get into the Biblical meaning of eagle in dreams.

Although the Bible does not give direct interpretations about dreaming about eagles, many Christians believe that dreams mean devotion to the Christian faith. Others suggest that it means new beginnings, while others believe it means danger. However, different people hold different interpretations.

So join me in this article as I write about the symbolic meaning of eagles. I will also discuss the biblical meaning of seeing eagles in dreams and the meanings in other cultures.

Read on to find out more.

What is the symbolic meaning of eagles?

Biblical meaning of eagle in dreams 
What is the symbolic meaning of eagles? Image source: Unsplash

Solar symbol of all sky gods

It is said that the eagle is a solar symbol and represents all sky gods. It is believed to be a symbol of being released from bondage.

Therefore, many people take it as an inspiration to become victory.


Many people take the eagle as a symbol of royalty and are often called the father of royalty. It is associated with royalty for its speed, pride, power, and longevity.

Mightiness and powerful

The eagle is also said to be a symbol of mightiness and power. It is believed to share characteristics with the air and fire because it stays under the sun’s full light.

Therefore, it is considered to be as powerful as fire and air.

What do eagles represent in a dream?


Many suggest that eagles in dreams represent freedom. It is explained that the eagle’s ability to fly above the rest of the world shows its freedom.

Therefore, many conclude that dreams represent your desire to be free. Others say that the eagle represents your current state of independence.

It is also believed to represent someone in your life who is independent, and you admire that about them.


Others say that an eagle in dreams represents wisdom. It’s believed that eagles naturally understand the world around them, and for that matter, they are used as messengers by the gods.

Therefore, it is explained when eagles appear in dreams; they represent your need for guidance from wise people. Others suggest that the eagle in the dream is a reminder that you have answers inside of you.


Different people hold that eagles in dreams represent power. It is explained using the eagle’s nature of power that makes it outdo even the strongest animals.

Therefore, many believe that in the dream, the eagle represents your need for inner power and strength.

Spiritual reasons why you are seeing eagles in your dreams

Biblical meaning of eagle in dreams 
Spiritual reasons why you are seeing eagles in your dreams. Image source: Unsplash


Some spiritual people suggest that you see eagles in dreams because you are about to get into a fight, but the spirits will protect you.

It is explained that youths are compared with eagles, meaning that eagles are as strong as youths. Therefore, dreaming about eagles is taken as a sign that you are given spiritual strength that will protect you during the fight.

Also, many suggest that this fight is often related to your rights.

You are almost achieving your dreams

It is suggested that the spiritual reason for having dreams about eagles is that you need confirmation that you are almost achieving your dreams.

Many people say that you will mostly get these dreams when facing too many challenges that make you lose hope about achieving your dreams.

The dream is often taken as a sign of coming freedom and positivity towards life. Also, others believe that you experience these dreams because you have the power to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

A reminder to be sensitive to other people

Others explain that you are dreaming about eagles because you are just like them—very superior and intimidating.

However, the dream is believed to be a warning that you should not be so blind to other people’s emotions. Others believe you dream about eagles when you barely listen to others.

They explain that the spirit world is communicating to you that you should tone down and be sensitive.

Rethink your financial decision

Also, different people suggest that you dream about eagles because it is spiritual communication about a financial decision you will make.

According to many people, when you are about to make a risky financial decision that is not worth it, you are most likely to dream about a violent eagle.

Also, it is explained that during such periods, you can have a dream about an eagle with calm behaviors, which means that you need to be a little patient before making that major decision.

Peace and contentment

Many people believe that when you are peaceful and content with your life, you often dream about eagles. It is also said that the dream happens as a sign that all you do with determination happens.

Three biblical meanings of seeing eagles in a dream

New beginnings

Different people believe that when you see eagles in a dream, it is a sign of a new beginning. It is said that the eagle is a representation of a guardian angel who is telling you that you are opening a new chapter in life.

Also, it is further explained that eagles represent the strength and patience that God will grant you to overcome challenges that come with new beginnings.

Many Christians back this interpretation with the book of Isaiah 40:31. It says that waiting on the Lord leads to rejuvenation, and they will mount up in wings like eagles and never get weary.


Also, other believers say that seeing eagles in dreams means that danger is coming, especially to evil people. It is explained that the danger is the consequence of being evil.

According to the book of Deuteronomy 28:49, a swooping eagle is compared to the nation that will come against evil people—danger.

Therefore, many conclude that such a dream reminds you to repent from your sins that anger God.


It is said that seeing eagles in dreams is a sign that you are a devout Christian and will get favor from God. It is explained using the book of Exodus 19:4.

The Bible says that God fought for the Israelites against the Egyptians and carried them to the Promised Land. The verse says that God bore the Israelites on eagle wings.

Many Christians suggest that the verse denotes the loyalty of Israelites that earned them favor from God. Therefore, many believe that eagles in dreams represent their loyalty to God.

Eagles dream different scenarios and their biblical meanings

What does it mean when you dream of a dead eagle?

Many people conclude you feel defeated when you dream of a dead eagle. Others suggest that it means that you feel like a failure.

It is explained that if you are famous or have any authority, the dream means you will mercilessly lose your reputation. It is also said that it means you have lost control over your previous position.

What does it mean when you dream of an eagle flying over you?

Many suggest that when you dream of an eagle flying over you, you are determined to act with courage and zeal to achieve your dreams.

It is advised that you should pay attention to how the eagle flies above you.

If it is flying in circles trying to catch prey, then it is interpreted to mean that the heavens are pointing you towards opportunities that will help your dreams come true.

Others explain that the dream is showing you that you need to wait for the right time and circumstances to pursue the opportunity.

Others believe that when you dream of an eagle flying over you, you will receive a promotion at work. Others conclude that it signals the beginning of a new phase where you have a totally different perspective in terms of careers.

It is also interpreted to mean that you will focus on working on new projects or tasks that you previously ignored.

Also, it is believed that if the eagle is not flying with enough power, it is a negative message. It is believed to be a sign that someone in your life is about to lose their authority.

It is also suggested that the dream is a sign that you should pay attention to other people’s advice. This interpretation is believed to be especially applicable to people who barely listen to advice.

What does it mean when you dream of an eagle attacking you?

People believe that when you dream of an eagle attacking you, it means that you are going to experience something risky.

Others explain that it means you are about to make a really risky decision. It is suggested that the decision often involves finances, love, and a job.

Many also suggest that the dream is a reminder of your bravery. Many people hold that this is the interpretation when you are trying to control someone who would naturally retaliate.

For example, if you are trying to control a business partner in real life and you dream of an eagle attacking you, it is taken as a sign from the heavens that you are brave enough.

What does it mean when you dream of catching an eagle?

Different people imply that when you dream of catching an eagle, it means that the heavens want you to be aware of your surroundings.

Many believe the dream is trying to tell you to be aware of the free will of the people around you. This is taken as a direction in making decisions that involve other people.

Others explain that the dream is telling you that you are manipulative and you do not care about other people’s right to free will.

According to many people, the dream tells you that you are insensitive when it comes to others. It is suggested that, in most cases, you have developed bad behavior in making decisions for the people in your life.

Therefore, many take the dream as a warning to stop being manipulative.

What does it mean when you dream of an eagle in your house?

It is believed that when you dream of an eagle in your house, it means that your life is going to improve. Others say that it means that improvement often occurs in your relationship and business.

What does it mean when you dream of turning into an eagle?

Many people suggest that when you dream of turning into an eagle, you are going to experience a significant change in your life.

According to many people, these dreams signal new beginnings. In most cases, it is said that there must have been an event that points toward the change before you had the dream.

Others consider it an indication of spiritual metamorphosis.

What do different types of eagles mean in your dreams?

Biblical meaning of eagle in dreams 
What do different types of eagles mean in your dreams? Image source: Unsplash

Golden eagle

Many hold that dreaming about a golden eagle means you are becoming powerful. Others suggest that it means that you are becoming stronger.

Many people also believe that such dreams come when you are facing challenges in your life. Therefore, it is said that when you dream about golden eagles during hard times, this interpretation is often the right one—power and strength.

Others interpret dreams about the golden eagle to mean that the spirit world is telling you about soon-to-come golden opportunities. Many take the dream as motivation to keep working towards greatness.

Bald eagle

Some people believe that seeing a bald eagle in a dream means that you need to focus on your femininity. It is said that this meaning best fits when the bald eagle in the dream was massive.

Other people’s interpretation is that it signals your desire to escape from your current life. It is explained that the way the bald eagle migrates is a representation of your current desires that manifest in the dream.

Also, many people suggest that the dream also means that you are focused on achieving your dreams. It is explained using the bald eagle’s nature of living close to the water to catch the prey.

Also, the dream is interpreted to mean that you have opened your inner eyes. Many suggest that you will start seeing things that you did not see before the dream.

Others take it as a sign from the spirits that your spiritual eye has been opened. It is explained by the fact that the bald eagle sees using its left and right eyes concurrently.

Also, others say that seeing this eagle in your dream is an indication that your life is going to be full of harmony.

It is explained using the science behind how this eagle stays balanced in the air. It uses its tail to stay balanced. Others consider the dream as a sign that you are persistent.

Fish eagle

According to different people, dreaming about a fish eagle indicates that your career goals will be achieved. Others say that when you fight the bird in the dream is a sign that you will fight with a powerful person.

Snake eagle

It is believed that dreaming about snake eagles is a sign that your plans will work out. However, it is often said that the dream is telling you to avoid unwanted ideas that will block your success. It is also believed that the dream means you need advice from your friends.

White eagle

Different people propose that dreaming of a white eagle means that people are going to ask you for advice. It is said that this means that it best fits in scenarios where you dreamt of the eagle flying downwards to catch prey.

Black eagle

Many consider dreams about a black eagle to be a sign of evil omen. Many suggest that such a dream is sent by the heavens to inform you about people trying to overpower you.

Harpy Eagle

Many interpret dreams about a harpy eagle means that you need to pay attention to your reaction. This meaning is said to best-fit dreams scenarios where you release a harpy eagle.

Also, it is said to mean upcoming opportunities if you are being attacked by the harpy eagle. The explanation is that the harpy eagle attacking you is a sign that the opportunity will involve something dangerous.

Grey Eagle

Different people suggest that a grey eagle in a dream means astral energy combined with imagination. Others believe that it means intuition and emotional attachments.

Booted eagle

It is explained that dreaming of a booted eagle means that you will get over long-term issues. Others suggest that it means you will finally achieve a difficult goal.

Others believe that the dream indicates the end of a long period of destruction.

Baby eagle

Many say that dreaming of a baby eagle means your plans will succeed. It is suggested that your business or financial plans will succeed. Others believe that it is a sign of feeble opportunities.

Big eagle

Dreaming about a big eagle is interpreted to mean that you have a strong support system. It is believed that the bigger the eagle, the stronger the support system.

What do eagles mean in dreams in different cultures?

Biblical meaning of eagle in dreams 
What do eagles mean in dreams in different cultures? Image source: Unsplash

Greek mythology

In Greek mythology, dreaming about eagles means you are empowered, or the gods are asking you to use your inner strength.

The eagle is associated with the god Zeus and is said to be the bird of thunder. They also associate it with divine power, which is used in interpreting dreams.

Native American

According to Native Americans, the eagle is a respected bird. It is often associated with majesty, strength, courage, and power. Many also say that in this culture, some people associate the eagle with wisdom, freedom, and truth.

It is believed that most of the native tribes in America would give someone an eagle’s feather to show how much they are treasured.

The eagle’s feather is also treated with a lot of respect, and it is said that it must always be kept in the open. Whoever is given the feather is said to be responsible for taking care of it—it should never be contaminated.

Therefore, in dreams, the eagle is taken with much importance, and it is considered to be carrying messages of power and wisdom.

Others suggest that since the eagle is held with so much importance, dreaming about them means that the dreamer should trust their intuition, instincts, and inner strength.

Norse mythology

According to Norse mythology, the eagle is sacred, and it is connected to god Odin. Odin is the god of war and the sky.

Also, the people from this culture believe that the sacred eagle cries a spiritual cry when a hero is born. Therefore, people who believe in this mythology say that eagles in dreams mean the strength and power of a warrior.

What should I do if I keep dreaming about eagles?

Many dream interpreters advise that you should first get the right interpretation of the dreams before acting on them. It is believed that when the dreams recur, the message is very important.

Therefore, it is said that you analyze the colour of the eagle and the scenarios in the dream to understand the dream. However, if you cannot interpret the dream, seek professional help from dream interpreters.

Also, many interpreters advise that you should accept the message without trying to have other versions that make you more comfortable.

If you are a Christian, seek understanding from God or talk to other believers who can interpret dreams. The bottom line is that you get the correct interpretation as God intends you to get—avoid worldly interpretations.

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