Onions are excellent vegetables that add flavor to food, but what if I told you they have a biblical meaning, especially when they appear in a dream?
This discovery unfolded when I dreamed of planting onions some days ago. The dream was so vivid, and since I do not take dreams lightly as a theologian, I went straight into research.
I poured through dream interpretation books and even called my pastor for insight. My dream interpreter friend was equally resourceful regarding these dreams due to his extensive study of dreams and a master’s in psychoanalytical studies.
After being enlightened, I came up with this post to pass the knowledge to many people. So, what is the biblical meaning of onions in a dream?
Onions in dreams are believed to represent the longing for abundance or material possessions, emotional depth, and spiritual cleansing or purification. Onions are mentioned in Numbers 11:5, where the Israelites were lamenting about being in the desert without food, yet they’d had plenty to eat in Egypt. In this regard, they are believed to symbolize the desire for abundance. Others believe that dreams about onions symbolize the need for psychological care or assistance in some areas of your life.
In this article, I’ll share insights into the meaning of onions in dreams, the spiritual significance of dreaming about onions, and the meaning behind different dreams involving onions.
So, let’s dive right into it!
Meaning of onions in a dream?
Dreaming about onions is believed to carry different meanings, as mentioned here:
It’s believed that dreaming about onions symbolizes a sign from the universe where the angels are guiding you toward rebirth, transformation, and renewal.
It’s believed that the dream may symbolize personal growth and self-development. It’s also believed that dreaming about onions may be a sign from the universe encouraging you to take the next step and make some changes in your life.
Some people believe that dreaming about onions symbolizes the need for protection from others or yourself.
It’s believed that whenever someone dreams about onions, it may also symbolize the possibility that they are going through a period of growth or healing and that the layers of the onions represent the layers of protection or cocoons that someone builds around themselves to feel secure and safe.
In some cultures, it’s believed that seeing onions in dreams symbolizes resilience, protection, and strength.
It’s believed that when dreaming about onions, the layers of the onions represent the deep-seated strength in an individual and the different layers of consciousness and subconsciousness that offer some level of protection to the individual.
It’s also said that a dream about onions may symbolize courage. It’s believed that this kind of dream represents a message from the universe or the guardian angels encouraging you to remain strong and face adverse situations in your life courageously.
The dream is believed to remind you that you are capable of dealing with anything that life throws your way and that you should keep going even when you feel.
This dream is believed to be a reminder not to give up.
Hidden Emotions
It’s also believed that a dream about onions points to the deep-seated emotions, feelings, and depth in you. The dream is said to symbolize deep-seated and well-hidden emotions and feelings that you may be having a hard time acknowledging or exploring.
So, it’s believed that the dream may symbolize a sign encouraging you to address the deep-seated feelings and emotions within you for you to easily uncover the truth about the things that may be holding you back.
Spiritual reasons why you are dreaming about onions
Throughout human history, dreams have been an area of fascination, with specific meanings attached to different symbols depending on how they appear in dreams.
One such symbol is the onion, and its appearance in dreams is believed to carry different meanings, depending on the circumstances surrounding the dreams. In this section, we’ll explore some of the spiritual meanings attached to dreaming about onions.
Layers of human emotions or experiences
It’s believed that dreaming about onions symbolizes the deep layers of human experiences and emotions. This meaning is said to be derived from the natural state of onions, which features multiple layers that sit deep and are only accessed when the top layers are peeled.
Tears and Sadness
Onions are also said to symbolize sadness, tears, and grief. In different cultural groups, it’s believed that whenever people dream about onions, the dreams are believed to represent the tears that they shed in their lifetimes.
These meanings aside, onions are known to make people cry naturally because of their bitterness and sharpness. So, it’s believed that dreaming about onions may symbolize strong feelings of grief and depression.
Some people suggest that the dream may symbolize the spiritual or physical need for an emotional release. In these cultures, the dream is believed to allude to a potential cathartic event that may result in the letting out of your suppressed emotions.
In some cultures, dreaming about onions is believed to symbolize a message from the universe encouraging individuals to take time in self-reflection and learn about themselves.
It’s said that dreaming about onions encourages you to examine your inner self and explore the aspects of your life that you may be overlooking or ignoring.
It’s also believed that the changing nature of onions when they are cooked, for example, may symbolize a message from the universe encouraging personal transformation.
Call for authenticity
Dreaming about onions is also believed to symbolize a message from the universe encouraging you to be authentic.
It’s believed that through such dreams, individuals are encouraged to lead an authentic life instead of hiding behind the many layers or facades they may be hiding behind.
Some people believe that the dream may symbolize the desire to reveal hidden parts of oneself and that it also represent a sign to finally deal with some issues head-on, especially if you have been avoiding some issues in your life.
Complex Relationships
Some people say that dreaming about onions symbolizes the portrayal of complexities in relationships. It’s believed that such a dream may represent a sign from the spiritual realm encouraging you to handle a complex matter in your relationship while also appreciating the good and the bad that come with the relationship.
Generally, it’s believed that dreaming about onions carries different spiritual connotations, such as the need to recognize one’s emotions, the importance of embracing spiritual transformation or development, personal growth, humility, introspection, and the search for spiritual wisdom and guidance.
Biblical messages of seeing onions in your dreams
It’s worth noting that despite the mention of onions in the Bible, the Bible doesn’t talk about dreams involving onions, and the messages below are only implied and are derived from different historical and cultural associations with onions.
That said, here are some of the perceived Biblical messages associated with seeing onions in dreams.
Dreaming about onions is also believed to symbolize abundance and fertility. This meaning is derived from the Biblical mention of onions in the Book of Numbers, which talks about the Israelites longing for abundance and comfort and all the foods they had access to while in Egypt before they were rescued.
It’s believed that this dream may also symbolize a longing for abundance and material possessions.
It’s said that because of how onions grow close to the ground but end up with big pulps, even with little effort, seeing onions in dreams is believed to symbolize the biblical reminder to remain humble.
Onions are believed to remind individuals to remain humble in their faith and their relationship with God. In Biblical teachings, the most valuable quality encouraged for all humankind is humility, and so it’s believed that dreaming about onions may symbolize a reminder to stay humble.
Layers of Knowledge
Onions are known for their multiple layers, each revealing an even deeper layer. It’s believed that dreaming about onions or layers of onions may symbolize the many layers of understanding and knowledge necessary for your spiritual journey.
It’s believed that when you have this dream, the dream may symbolize encouragement to dive deeper into your faith. It’s believed that this process may allow you to uncover new insights and interpretations of life events.
The dream is further said to be a sign of encouragement for you to keep learning and growing spiritually.
Onions are also believed to symbolize spiritual (and physical purification). Onions have been used for centuries for their medicinal properties, believed to come from the fact that onions are natural detoxifiers.
It’s also believed that onions are spiritually associated with cleansing and purification and that in the same way that they help to get rid of negative influences, onions may also get rid of negative energies and influences from your spiritual path.
So, dreaming about onions is believed to symbolize a message from the universe, leading you toward a spiritual cleansing.
It’s also believed that dreaming about onions may symbolize a biblical message about perseverance and patience because these are the two important elements required for cultivating onions.
It’s also said that since planting the small bulbs requires patience and nurturing, the dream is believed to symbolize the importance of faith and patience for spiritual growth.
Specific dreams about onions and their biblical meanings
As mentioned above, the Bible doesn’t talk about dreams involving onions, but because there is mention of onions in the Bible and different spiritual and cultural meanings attached to the bulb plant, there are several implied meanings attached to dreams.
Here is a look at what different dreams involving onions represent:
Dreaming about cutting onions
Some people believe that if you dream about cutting onions, the dream may symbolize several things, like a sign from the universe encouraging you to release the emotions and feelings you may have buried deep in you.
According to these individuals, it’s said that since cutting onions causes an involuntary flow of tears, the dream may symbolize the importance of letting go of feelings like anger, frustration, or sadness.
Others believe that this dream may represent the process of transformation that happens on a spiritual or emotional level when people peel the layers of the onion (masks they’ve put on) to reveal the inner layers.
This dream is also said to represent the process of shedding your old self and letting in your new self that is ready for change or to undergo personal growth.
In other cultures, dreaming about cutting onions is said to symbolize an important decision that you are required to make.
Cutting the onions, as is done during food preparation, is believed to symbolize the process of carefully considering your options and making the right choices.
Some people say that dreaming about cutting onions may symbolize spiritual protection or the desire to eliminate negativity.
Dreaming about receiving onions from someone
According to individuals who believe in spirituality, dreaming of receiving onions from someone is said to be a sign that you are about to receive or acquire new skills or a set of knowledge.
Onions are also believed to represent a desire for financial stability or abundance, and it’s believed that this dream may represent a sign from the universe letting you know that you are about to receive your heart’s desires.
This dream is said to represent a positive omen, and it’s interpreted as a sign of positivity in all areas of your life, including your personal and professional relationships.
Dreaming of peeling onions
Individuals who subscribe to these belief systems posit that dreams about peeling onions hold different meanings, with the most common one being the belief that the dream may symbolize the transformation process that involves unveiling different layers of who you are.
It’s believed that the dream may symbolize the importance of introspection and self-discovery and how these processes involve shedding old habits and experiences; in the same way, the layers of onions are peeled.
Other meanings attached to dreams about peeling onions are said to include – a message from the universe encouraging you to dig deeper into a situation or problem in your life to uncover its root cause.
The dream is also believed to symbolize repressed feelings or hidden traits and emotions. Some people believe that these dreams symbolize the removal of layers of limitations, obstacles, or barriers that may stand in the way of your vision, goals, or a successful relationship.
Dreaming of eating onions
If you dream about eating onions, it’s said that the dream may symbolize an upcoming season of financial gain or that you may get a raise at work.
In some cultures, dreaming about eating onions is believed to symbolize deep-seated repressed emotions or concerns about your physical health.
Some people believe that dreaming about eating onions may represent the need to confront unpleasant truths or situations that may be challenging emotionally.
Dreaming of cooking onions
It’s said that dreaming about cooking onions represents a message from the universe encouraging you to embrace the changes coming your way because they may be necessary for your spiritual transformation and growth.
Dreaming of buying onions
Some people believe that dreams about buying onions suggest a deep emotional need you are not fulfilling or desire to fulfill. It’s said that the dream encourages you to seek help and take in self-reflection to find solutions for the problem you may be facing.
However, the dream is also believed to be a warning sign encouraging you to be cautious when asking for help because not everyone has your best interests at heart, and some are deceitful.
Dreaming of planting onions
If you dream about planting onions, it’s said that the dream may suggest a deep need to understand why you may be going through certain emotions.
It’s also believed that the dream may symbolize the search for answers within yourself, the desire for abundance and excitement, or a warning about overlooking the little things that mean a lot in your life.
Does the type of onion in the dream matter?
Individuals who subscribe to these beliefs note that the scenario around the dream is just as important as the color of the onion. Here are the meanings attached to onion dreams:
Red onions
It’s believed that dreaming about red onions may symbolize a strong desire for change or success, a deep sense of passion, or a high energy situation.
The dream is also believed to indicate the need to be more confident and assertive in life.
Spring onions
Spring onions are said to represent renewal, regeneration, and growth. Therefore, dreaming about spring onions is believed to symbolize a message from the universe encouraging growth, renewal, and regeneration, especially spiritually.
The dream about spring onions is also believed to symbolize the need for self-improvement, personal growth, and spiritual development.
Yellow onions
Yellow onions are said to represent emotional enlightenment and the pursuit of wisdom. It’s believed that dreaming about yellow onions may symbolize the need for self-reflection and self-discovery.
Others suggest that the dream symbolizes the desire for inner peace and the need to develop strong emotional bonds.
White onions
It’s said that white onions symbolize clarity, truth, and purity, so if you dream about white onions, it may suggest that the universe encourages you to be more honest and transparent in communication.
The dream is also believed to symbolize the desire for open communication lines with your loved ones.
What does a dream about onions mean in different cultures?
Ancient Egypt
According to the Ancient Egyptians, onions were associated with envy or forbidden knowledge. Egyptian mythologies suggest that onions were made of the tears of Isis all over the body parts of Osiris and that the body was consequently scattered all over Egypt by Set.
They believed that the onions also represented eternal life and fertility.
In ancient Celtic mythology, onions represented courage and strength, so they believed that dreaming about onions represented inner strength and courage.
Middle East
Middle Eastern cultures held onions in high regard because they believed they carried immense medicinal properties. Additionally, they believed that onions represented good luck and that dreaming about onions would symbolize good news, protection, good health, and vitality.
Should I be worried about seeing onions in my dream?
No, you shouldn’t be worried if you see onions in your dreams. It’s believed that onions symbolize self-discovery, emotional and spiritual growth, and transformation.
When you see onions in your dreams, some people believe that the dream may symbolize a positive omen from the universe. As mentioned in the Bible, Onions represented the longing for abundance by the Israelites.
Therefore, it’s believed that dreaming about onions may symbolize encouragement from the universe about the potential for success on the horizon if you put in the work.
In most cases, it’s believed that the message in the dream encouraged you to dig deep into your thoughts, emotions, and habits to make the necessary changes.
Note, however, that the meanings associated with onions or dreams about onions, as mentioned above, are implied and not expressly written in the Bible.
Christians are encouraged to trust in God and not in superstition and other gods.
As a Christian, I have always been passionate about sharing God’s word with young people. This inspired me to pursue a Certificate in Christian Education, an Undergraduate degree in Religious Studies, and a Graduate degree in Theology. My knowledge in school and experience from dealing with the youth made me an expert at discussing Christian-related topics. I feel privileged working as the Coordinator of the Christian Youth Ministry at Christian Faith Guide. You can read more about me on the about us page.