I recently bumped into a dream interpretation book that talked about dreams about simple day-to-day activities that hold profound meanings.
Washing hair in a dream caught my attention since I would ideally dismiss it as just any other dream about a typical morning routine.
As promised in the preface of the book, the interpretations were pretty deep, and I decided to do some research online. Surprisingly, the online interpretations matched what was in the book and even gave more insight. This discovery inspired me to write this article to share this knowledge.
So, let us dive into the biblical meaning of washing your hair in a dream.
The Bible does not state the exact meaning of washing your hair in a dream. However, it contains passages that mention maintaining hair. The Bible says in Leviticus 10:6 that hair is sacred. In Numbers 6:5, the Bible says that hair symbolizes exclusive commitment to serving God. Because of these two passages, some theologians speculate that the biblical meaning of washing one’s hair in a dream is a sign of spiritual cleansing.
Join me in this article as I explore the Biblical meaning of washing your hair in a dream. I’ll look at the spiritual meaning of that dream.
Additionally, I’ll offer tips on what to do if you have such a dream. Read along to find answers to these questions and more.
What is the spiritual meaning of washing your hair?

Bad luck
Some people believe that the spiritual meaning of washing one’s hair depends on the timing of the act. In some communities, it is believed that washing one’s hair brings bad luck during full moon nights, new moon nights, and menses.
In some communities, it is believed that washing hair is a spiritual symbolic action. They believe it represents removing bad luck from one’s life.
Some people believe that washing one’s hair causes renewal and rejuvenation. They speculate that most people wash their hair to prepare for re-styling. Some believe that washing hair allows one to let go of the past.
When you wash your hair, you no longer have the previous hairstyle. Others still believe that washing hair brings about transformation.
After washing your hair, you may decide to get a new hairstyle that transforms your appearance. Still, some people believe that washing hair brings about emotional and spiritual purification.
Some people believe that seeing this dream is a sign that one is ready for the next spiritual assignment. They speculate that washing one’s hair is a spiritual symbol that one has completed their spiritual task and is in transition.
Some people believe that washing one’s hair signifies a routine cycle of spiritual cleansing. They believe that individuals should cleanse themselves spiritually regularly.
Others believe that washing hair is a spiritual sign of performing religious cleansing. People do not wash their hair only once but do it frequently.
In the same way, they speculate that washing hair is a spiritual symbol of praying persistently. They further speculate that washing hair is a spiritual sign of reading the Bible regularly.
Others believe that washing hair is a spiritual sign of performing acts of kindness regularly.
Some people believe that washing hair is a spiritual sign of one’s release from past burdens. People wash their hair after undoing a hairstyle they have had for a long time.
Therefore, they speculate that washing hair is a spiritual representation of letting go of past burdens that have weighed an individual down.
Meaning of washing your hair in dreams
Some dream interpreters believe there is no single meaning of washing one’s hair in dreams. They speculate that circumstances around the hair washing come into play when interpreting the dream.
Others speculate that the meaning of washing one’s hair in dreams depends on one’s culture and religion. That said, some people believe that washing one’s hair in dreams is a sign that one should seek spiritual and emotional purity.
They speculate unclean hair represents emotional and spiritual uncleanliness.
Some people believe that washing one’s hair in dreams represents a need to let go of something and start fresh. Others also speculate that this dream is a sign that one is ready to make changes in one’s life.
Some people believe that the meaning of washing one’s hair in dreams depends on the conditions of the individual in their waking life.
For this reason, some people speculate that if a sick person dreams of washing their hair, it is a sign that they will soon recover.
They also believe that such a dream to a patient is a sign that, after recovery, the patient will have a new outlook on life.
Some believe that if a student washes their hair in a dream, they will pass their exams. They speculate that since washing hair is a sign of a good change, a student’s dream of washing hair is a sign of success.
It is believed in some cultures that if a pregnant woman dreams of washing her hair, it is a sign of safe delivery. They speculate that if washing hair is a sign of relief, a pregnant woman seeing this dream is a sign that the outcome will be good.
In some communities, interpreting washing hair in dreams accounts for whether one is a man or a woman. Therefore, some communities believe that if a woman dreams of washing her hair, it is a sign that she will receive favor from her partner in waking life.
They speculate that washing her hair transforms her appearance so that she is likable. Some dream interpreters also consider whether a dreamer is in distress in their waking life when they dream about washing their hair.
They speculate that in such contexts, washing hair in a dream is a sign that one shall overcome the tribulations they experience in waking life.
Biblical messages of washing your hair in dreams
Spiritual purification
The Bible does not say what washing one’s hair in dreams means. However, the Bible contains passages discussing kempt, unkempt, and long hair among men and women.
The Bible says in Leviticus 10:6 that priests must comb their hair. This instruction to the priests suggests leaving one’s hair unkempt is unhygienic in Christianity.
Therefore, some Bible scholars speculate that washing hair in dreams is a sign that one should seek purification.
Directions in life
In 1 Corinthians 11:14-15, the Bible says that a woman’s hair is her glory and not so much for a man: “Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering.”
Accordingly, some Bible scholars believe that if a woman washes her hair in a dream, it is a sign to preserve her attractive attributes.
Others speculate that if a man dreams of washing long hair, they are doing something wrong in their waking life.
They base this speculation on the belief that it is more appropriate for a man to keep their hair kempt than long. Leviticus 21:10 says, “The high priest, the one among his brothers who has had the anointing oil poured on his head and who has been ordained to wear the priestly garments, must not let his hair become unkempt or tear his clothes.”
Therefore, some Bible scholars speculate that if a man dreams of washing kempt hair, it is a sign that they are living right in their waking life.
Nurturing spiritual gift
Some theologians believe that washing hair, long or short, can still represent positive messages for both men and women. They speculate that people wash their hair because they nurture it.
They further believe that nurturing hair holds a significant spiritual meaning in the Bible. In Numbers 6:5, the Bible says that some servants of God called Nazarites must let their hair grow long.
Therefore, some Bible scholars believe that washing one’s hair in dreams is a sign of nurturing one’s spiritual calling.
They speculate that washing hair is one way of caring for it, that is, the symbol of one’s spiritual gift.
Specific dreams about washing hair and their biblical meanings

Dreaming of washing hair with shampoo
Some people believe that this dream is a sign of one getting rid of negative thoughts and emotions. They speculate that this dream represents the desire to seek mental clarity and a fresh start.
Others speculate that, since shampoo has fragrance, this dream represents an underlying yearning for a pleasant and refreshing experience in one’s life.
Dreaming of washing hair in a public space
Some people believe having this dream is a sign of one’s concerns with presentability and meeting other people’s expectations.
They speculate that this dream is a sign that one should improve one’s self-esteem and self-acceptance.
Dreaming of washing hair in a river/lake
Some people speculate that this dream is a sign that the dreamer will go to a foreign land. They believe that washing hair in a river suggests one has visited a remote place.
Others speculate that this dream is a sign that the dreamer will be in a strange situation.
Dreaming of washing someone’s hair
Some people believe that this dream is a sign that the dreamer should guide and protect others. They speculate that the protection symbolism is profound.
They believe that washing someone’s hair in a dream is a sign that one has the responsibility to protect another person’s reputation.
These individuals speculate that if washing hair represents presentability, doing it for someone else is a sign of preserving the other person’s public image.
Dreaming of someone washing your hair
Some people believe this dream is a sign that one may soon have a new, fun experience. They speculate that this dream is a sign that one should take time and take it easy on oneself.
Others speculate that this dream is a sign that one’s life will improve so that they have time to take care of themselves.
Spiritual meaning of washing your hair in dreams
Restoring strength
Some people believe that washing one’s hair in dreams is a sign of maintaining the sanctity of one’s youth and strength. They speculate that hair represents youthfulness and washing it in a dream represents preserving the virility of youth.
Others believe that this dream is a sign that one should regain their masculine traits. They speculate that hair in the spirit represents masculine strength and washing it in a dream represents removing traits that make one weak.
Some bible scholars believe that washing one’s hair in a dream is a sign that something is weakening one in their waking life.
They speculate that since hair is a spiritual symbol of strength as seen in Judges 16:18, washing one’s hair in dreams is a sign one should eliminate weaknesses in waking life.
Preserving individuality
Some people believe that washing hair in dreams is a sign that one should maintain the sacredness of the traits and attributes that make one unique and special.
They speculate that if how one wears hair is one’s unique identity, washing it in dreams represents breaking away from the crowd and embracing individuality.
Sexual safety
In some cultures, people believe that washing one’s hair in dreams is a sign that one should stop risky sexual behaviors. These individuals speculate that hair represents fertility and washing it in a dream represents preserving one’s child-bearing abilities.
Others believe that having these dreams is a sign one should treasure their body. They speculate that if hair is a spiritual sign of beauty, washing it in a dream is a sign to preserve that beauty.
A sign to change
Some people believe that washing hair in dreams is a sign that one should change their life. They speculate that if certain hairstyles represent distinct lifestyles, washing hair in a dream represents a need for change to embrace a new lifestyle.
Others speculate that washing hair in a dream after changing hairstyles in the dream is a sign to seriously consider a change in life.
Meaning of washing your hair in dreams in other cultures and religions

It is believed in Islam that washing hair in a dream is a sign of spiritual cleansing. Others speculate that seeing this dream represents a need to seek physical as well as spiritual purification.
Some Islamic dream interpreters believe that seeing this dream is a sign that one should seek forgiveness, repentance, and rejuvenate their faith.
Therefore, some Islamic dream interpreters speculate that dreaming of washing hair in dreams is a sign of spiritual development and a reminder to persist in pursuing righteousness.
In Chinese culture, washing hair in a dream is a sign that the continuous troubles one has been experiencing in life are about to halt.
The Chinese speculate that hair in a dream is a sign of mounting troubles. Therefore, they believe that washing hair in a dream represents a turnaround in one’s life among the Chinese people.
Some Chinese dream interpreters believe that if a man washes his hair in a dream, it is a sign that they will soar above their tribulations in waking life.
In Judaism, it is believed that washing hair in a dream is a sign of personal care. They speculate that if Nazirites also wash their hair, doing so in a dream represents personal hygiene.
Some rabbis say that washing hair in a dream is a sign of special privilege. They speculate that in times when washing hair is not permitted; dreaming of doing so is a sign that one has received special privileges in waking life.
Should I be worried about washing my hair in dreams?
No. One must not worry about washing one’s hair in dreams. Most dream analysts believe that washing hair in dreams is often a sign of a fresh start.
While others speculate that such dreams are a sign for the dreamer to initiate change, most dream analysts suggest not worrying about the dream.
What should you do when you dream about washing your hair?
Most dream analysts believe it is necessary to consider the dream in its entirety to get a candid interpretation. Others speculate that the dreamer should consider their religious and cultural backgrounds to properly understand such dreams.
Some dream interpreters believe that when one does not know what to do when one dreams about washing one’s hair, one should seek help from counselors.
However, if you are a Christian then you know you can pray to God for clarity and understanding. The Bible says in Jeremiah 33:3 that God will reveal all mysteries if you call to Him.

As a Christian, I have always been passionate about sharing God’s word with young people. This inspired me to pursue a Certificate in Christian Education, an Undergraduate degree in Religious Studies, and a Graduate degree in Theology. My knowledge in school and experience from dealing with the youth made me an expert at discussing Christian-related topics. I feel privileged working as the Coordinator of the Christian Youth Ministry at Christian Faith Guide. You can read more about me on the about us page.