As a Theologian, I am interested in understanding different beliefs about itchy hands. I particularly got interested in learning about beliefs around itchy right hand last year.
One of my acquaintances who plays a lot of lottery told us one weekend that he was sure he was going to win the next lottery.
He said he knew it from his spirit that assured him by making his right palm itching. I was so intrigued by what he said, and I had to research more about the meanings of an itchy right hand.
I asked my fellow theologians, the clergy, and spiritual people and read the Bible as well as articles about different beliefs around itchy right hands until I was satisfied.
Last week, we were talking about different beliefs regarding hands when a woman asked about her constantly itching right palm. She said it was not a medical issue.
She particularly asked me as I am always informed as a theologian. I answered in detail and with ease because I had thoroughly researched.
So, let’s get into the biblical meaning of right hand itching.
The Bible does not mention the meaning of right hand itching, but according to different believers, it is a sign of financial abundance. Others suggest that it means that you are undergoing a spiritual awakening. It is also believed that you are being urged to give back to the less fortunate in the community.
So join me in this article as I write about the cause of itchy palms. I will also write about the spiritual and biblical meanings of itchy right palms.
Read on to find out more.
What are the causes of an itchy palm?
There are many causes for itchy palms, including medical and spiritual causes. When it comes to spirituality, many people believe that the right palm itches as a form of communication from the spirit world.
However, medically, there are many causes, including;
Hand eczema
Hand eczema is one of the medical causes of itchy palms. Statistics show that almost 10% of Americans may be suffering from hand eczema.
People who work in areas where they get in so much contact with moisture and harsh chemicals are at high risk of getting hand eczema.
Therefore, people who work as caterers, cleaners, hairdressers, medics and mechanics are most likely to have itchy hands due to eczema of the hand.
Another cause for itchy palms is allergic reactions. If you have an allergy and are constantly exposed to allergens, you will likely get itchy palms.
Also, people with diabetes have itchy palms due to dry skin. This happens often when the blood sugar levels are so high. The itchiness can cause red bumps or flesh-coloured bumps and may also not cause any of that.
What does it mean when your right palm starts to itch?
Different people conclude that if the right palm starts to itch and is not a medical condition, good luck is coming your way. The good luck is often associated with money abundance.
Many say it is a sign that they should work harder because they are about to see the fruits. However, others suggest that when your right palm itches, you are being betrayed by someone close to you.
Also, it is suggested that when your right palm itches, it means that you are going to make new friends. It is explained that your hand is itching in preparation to shake hands with a stranger who wants to be a friend.
Also, others conclude that your right hand is itching to tell you it wants to beat someone—you will fight with someone soon.
According to some people, the right hand itches to tell you you are lazy.
Biblical meanings of an itchy right hand
The Bible does not give direct meanings about the itchy right hand, but some Christians give different beliefs about the itchy right hand. They are as follows.
Financial abundance
It is suggested that when the right hand itches, it is a sign that you will experience financial abundance. It’s often taken from the history of playing the lottery, where people believed that when your palms itch when you play, you will win.
Many explain that the itchiness is a sign that you will have opportunities to make more money.
Financial strains
According to many people, an itchy right hand is a sign that you are a spendthrift, and that is affecting your life negatively. Many say that it means that if you keep overspending, you will soon lose many of your assets.
Somebody needs your help
Many conclude that when the right hand itches, there’s someone trying to reach out for your help. It is often interpreted using the idea that the itchy right hand is connected to that giving and receiving energy.
In addition, it is explained that it means you are able to sense the presence of the spirits that urge you to help and support others.
Another famous definition for right hand itching is that you are getting the message that you need spiritual healing.
Many take it as a reminder to spend time recharging their soul and spirit.
Creativity and investment
Many believers suggest that an itchy right hand is a sign from God that you need to tap into your creativity. Many believe that it’s a sign that you should be passionate about your talents and work smarter and harder.
God’s presence
Different people explain that an itchy right hand means that it indicates God’s presence and divine protection. Others suggest that the right hand itches when you are receiving a blessing from God.
Spiritual awakening
According to some believers, your right hand itches when you are experiencing a spiritual awakening. It is explained that the itchiness is the sign that you will transform into a different spiritual someone.
Also, other believers suggest that the itchiness represents how uncomfortable it will be for you to make certain decisions, like letting go of people who hold you back.
Giving back
Different people also suggest that an itchy right hand is a sign that you should start giving back to the community.
Many take it as a sign that you should share your gifts, love, resources and time with the less fortunate –loving your neighbour.
It is explained that in doing so, you will be aligning yourself with what you believe in as a Christian.
Check those around you
Another common belief associated with an itchy right hand is that it indicates that people around you are going to betray you. It is often suggested that it means someone is gossiping about you.
Spiritual meaning of an itchy right palm
Luck with finances
Different cultures like Saxon believe that an itchy right hand spiritual means you are going to have luck with money. It is explained that such communities used to use silver as medicine for an itchy right palm.
Whoever was having the problem was to rub their palm against the silver. From this, it is explained that since most coins are silver, it means when the right palm itches, you will attract silver—-money.
According to many people, an itchy right palm indicates that you are about to take control of your freedom. Many explain that the itchiness is a push for you to pursue your dreams that will lead to you having your freedom.
Others say that it means that you currently feel too limited and you yearn to have more freedom.
Many believe that when the right palm itches, especially in the middle, it is a sign that you are a very creative person.
Many hold that this is a spiritual sign for you to start working on your creative projects, and you will see the fruits. Others suggest that it is a sign for you to stop procrastinating.
Strength and growth
According to some people, an itchy right palm indicates that you are a powerful spiritual person. It is explained that your strength and growth will often manifest in your talents.
Therefore, many consider that itchiness means that your talents connect you to the spiritual world; that is why you experience so much growth and strength when you tap into them.
Also, one famous belief about an itchy right palm is someone is gossiping about you. It is also explainer using the idea that the right palm itches as a sign of giving and receiving energy.
In this case, it is said that someone is sending you evil intentions by what they are saying about you.
Superstitions around an itchy right palm
Rubbing it on your hair tells you how much money you are going to receive
In some places in the world, like Hungary, people believe that when you’re right palm itches, you should grab your hair and rub it on the hair.
It is often said that the amount of hair you grab with your itchy right palm indicates how much money you will get soon.
New lover
According to some people, in Ireland, an itchy right palm indicates that you are going to meet a new lover. Others say that it means you are going to change your interest in people and things.
New friendship
Many conclude that an itchy right palm means that you are going to have new friends. Others believe that it is a sign of strong friendships you have.
Many explain that it is because the right hand is used for greetings in different cultures—friendliness.
Upcoming fight
Others suggest that one of the itchy right palm superstitions is that it is a sign that you are going to be involved in fights soon.
It is often said to be the case with people who are more energetic in their right hands. Some people use this as a reason for engaging in fights, but it is just a superstition.
Some people consider the idea that an itchy right palm means luck to be a superstition. Therefore, people who believe in these superstitions close their right hands or put them in their pockets to protect their luck.
Others believe that when it itches, they should scratch it against the wood to get rid of the negative energy.
Family and news
Also, another superstition is that you are going to receive visitors when your right palm itches. Many explain that when it itches, it is a sign that you need to pick a broom and sweep—clean because someone is visiting you.
Also, others suggest that spitting on your itching right palm is a way to claim news that you are supposed to receive.
Bad omen
Another common superstition about an itchy right palm is that it means their negative energy is coming to take away your fortune.
Therefore, many people suggest that it is better not to react to it because reacting encourages the itching, which is meant to take away your fortune.
The exact origin of the belief about the itchy right hand is not known, but many believe that it originates from cultures that started playing the lottery long ago.
Cultures like Saxon are among the ones that are believed to have come up with this belief. It is said that when hands itched in this community, members were healed using silver.
Since silver is associated with wealth, many conclude that when a hand itches, it shows that it will soon touch silver—money.
How do you know your itchy palm is spiritual and not medical?
It is often advised that the only way to know that your palm itches as a way to send a spiritual message and not a medical condition is simply by visiting the doctor.
When the doctor concludes that you are not sick, it is taken as a spiritual form of communication. However, if you are knowledgeable about medical cases, it is also said that you can analyze the situation yourself and compare using other symptoms and possible causes for the itchiness.
Common medical cases include hand eczema, allergic reactions, diabetes, cirrhosis, and nerve disorders. Also, you may be reacting to certain medications, so if you are on any medicines, you cannot rule out the possibility of it being a medical condition and rely on spiritual meanings.
Should I be worried if my right palm won’t stop itching?
According to many spiritual people, an itchy right palm is a positive spiritual sign, so there is no need for fear. However, they suggest that if it persists, then there is a very important spiritual message.
This is only the case when you have ruled out all the possible medical conditions. Some spiritual people advise that instead of worrying, you should be still and connect with your higher self, which is what itching means.
There is a medical condition, and worrying is still not a solution; just see the doctor. If you are a Christian, many believers say you should ask God to show you what He is trying to tell you or ask your pastor and members of the clergy.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.