I often hear spiritual people into manifesting and meditation talk about messages from the candle flame. Some people cannot pray without candles, and I have heard many religious people talk about a high candle flame. So one time, I heard a conversation between two ladies as I was scrolling through Facebook; they were talking about the spiritual message of the candle flame, especially when it is high. I was intrigued and interested to know more about their beliefs. So, I had to research more about the spiritual meanings of candle flame burning too high.
When the candle flame burns too high, it is often associated with a good omen. The meaning could be that there are divine beings present in the surrounding. It could also mean that your energy has increased, or it could be a message that you have stepped out of your comfort zone. Others believe that the high flame could be giving you direction.
So, join me in this article as I delve into the different meanings of a candle flame that burns too high. I will discuss the spiritual meaning of the different flames of candles. I will also talk about the spiritual meaning of the different colors of candle flames. Read on to find out more.
Why is fire so important in spirituality?
Most cultures, including the Chinese, Hebrews, and religions like Christianity and Hindi, view fire as a symbol of divinity. This implies that fire is a divine object that can be used for spiritual purposes. Also, in countries like Egypt, they believe that fire is a symbol of superiority and power, implying that by using fire for spiritual communication, there is power and superiority in the spiritual realm. In other cultures, fire is often associated with wisdom and knowledge, and we believe that spirits are wise and knowledgeable. Most importantly is because fire consumes, warms, and illuminates; that is why most cultures find it so powerful in spiritual matters.
What is the symbolism of a candle flame?
A candle flame is believed to be a symbol of light in the darkness, the truth that stands firm among lies, and the way. The illumination of the candle flame could signify holy lighting. In most cases, when candles are lit at funerals or during the death of someone, they are believed to symbolize the hope that the next world of the departed souls also has light. Other people believe that a candle flame could represent the light of Jesus Christ. Lastly, a candle flame could symbolize purification and cleansing.
9 Spiritual meanings of candle flame burning too high

There is a possibility that your energy has increased.
When your candlelight suddenly goes higher than it has been burning, it is often connected to an increase in your energy. We are taught that energy cannot be made but can only be transferred and transformed—although this is science, it is the same in the spiritual context. From this, many people associate a candle flame burning too high with increased energy in your soul. So they suggest that the energy has been transformed into a fire that increases the flame of the candle. This could imply that the energy that we human beings possess affects fire and the universe.
Most spiritual people believe that lighting candles could help them weigh their energy. They believe that when the energy level is high, their chakras could be functioning well enough, and it is a positive thing. In essence, a candle flame going higher than usual is often taken as a positive spiritual message.
An Angel could be present in the environment.
When the candle flame burns too high, it could mean that an angel is present around you. Some people pray while lighting their candles, including some Christian churches, because they believe that an angel can manifest himself in the form of fire. In Christianity, many people believe that when a candle flame lights high, the angels are present because angels can come in the form of fire, as implied in Exodus 3:2. This verse implies that an angel’s presence can be detected by flames.
It could mean passion.
In most cases, fire is believed to be a symbol of passion. So when the candle flame burns too high, it could symbolize passion in the sense that the people around the candle could be passionate about something, and they could be very ready to take action. If it is just you and your candle, the meaning could be that your passion for any of the things on your list is increasing. It implies that just as the candle flame breaks the limit going higher, you are also ready to give it all and pursue it. However, in some instances, it is believed that the meaning is connected to your lack of passion or having less passion for something that could affect your life largely. Therefore the candle flame could burn high to communicate that you need to increase your passion so that you become productive.
It could imply that you need to step out of your estimate.
In some cases, it is believed that the possible meaning of a candle flame burning higher is a message to you to get out of your comfort zone. Logically, when the intensity of fire goes high, we can become uncomfortable; we can drink water or increase ventilation. From this reasoning, most spiritual people believe that it is a sign being sent by God to you to stop being comfortable. You see, when you want to take some water upon the increase of the intensity of heat; it is the same way that God could be wanting you to step up and stop being comfortable.
It could mean that you should break free.
When the candle flame burns higher than usual, it could be compared to a breakthrough or breaking out of your cocoon. In the spiritual aspect, the message could be that you are probably being held down by baseless things like your past, and it’s taking a toll on your mindset. When the candle flame goes higher than usual, it could be symbolic of your capacity to let go of the past and move forward.
It could also give you direction.
In some cases, when your candle flame burns high, the message could be that your direction in life has arrived. It is believed that once the candle flame burns high, when the message is directional, then it will point right or left. When it points in the right direction, it could mean that the direction you choose to take should be based on your inner intuition. On the hand, when the flame points left, it is believed to mean that your emotions can lead you to choose the right direction. In some situations where you might be praying for direction, and the flame just burns high, pointing upwards, it could imply that you need to pray more about it.
It could mean that temptations are around the corner.
When the candle flame burns high, the message could be that in the near future, there could be temptations. In Christianity, fire can also symbolize temptations because it is through temptations and overcoming that God refines us. So in the Bible, Isaiah 48:10, temptations are also called the furnace of affliction. This verse implies that the furnace, which could also mean an enclosed fire, is where people get afflicted, they go through mental and physical pain as a trial that is necessary for them to get refined. For this reason, many Christians believe that an increase in the candle flame cold means that temptations are about to come.
It could also mean that a Spirit is present.
In cases where you are deeply spiritual, it is believed that you can detect the presence of both evil and good spirits through a candle flame that burns high. Most spiritual people believe in spirits and their power to protect, communicate or cause harm to you. So, when the flame burns higher and goes sideways, it could imply that there is a spirit roaming around. In some cases, if you are a very spiritual person, it is believed that the spirits could cause something to break in your house, in that very instance that the flame is burning high. This could mean that the spirit is there to do harm, whereas the good spirit will not over-announce its presence; the flame will just go high.
You could be receiving a blessing of increased inner strength.
When the candle flame burns high, it could also mean that you are receiving a blessing of increased inner strength. The candle itself could be symbolic in that, as it burns, it melts, but it still contains flame, which is something that has been used to come up with such an interpretation. It is believed that you could be just like the candle; you can be burning inside but still capable of maintaining balance in all aspects of your life as you elevate.
What do high candle flames mean in magic?

In magical practices, when the candle burns too high, it could mean that there is enough energy cast into the spell. When there is conducive energy, the spell could work faster. Also, it implies that the spirits that support the magic could be around and actively working on the spell to make it effective. Other magicians believe that the spirits could be present and guarding the spell against other possible energies that could be seeking to counteract it.
What do high candle flames mean in rituals?
When the candle flames burn too high during rituals, it is believed that your energy could be in perfect alignment with the spirits. It is believed that the power in the ritual could be high, although it does not always guarantee success. It implies that you might get quicker results from the rituals, which could be negative or positive, but mostly positive.
Meaning of candle flame burning too low
Most spiritual people believe that the smaller the flame, the smaller the energy. This implies that there is little energy being channeled spiritually. Usually, people believe that it is a sign that your prayers might take a long to be answered. If you are casting a spell, it is believed that the spell might not work.
Is a candle flame burning too high a bad omen?
It is believed by many spiritual people that a candle flame that burns too high is a good omen. It is implied that when the flame burns too high, it is burning to meet your energy that is high. In essence, it symbolizes a high spiritual energy that is believed to be necessary during prayers. Also, it could mean that your prayers are being answered, while some believe that an angel could be nearby, protecting you. Also, some people believe that it symbolizes that you have a lot of power inside you to overcome challenges.
What does the color of the candle flame mean spiritually?
Blue flame
When a candle burns with a blue flame, it could mean that there are divine beings in the surrounding. It is believed that the blue flame is the rarest of all flames in candles but, again, the most powerful meaning. The presence of angels, spirits, and invisible divine creatures can be announced by a blue candle flame. Some religions believe that the blue flame welcomes fairies who intend to communicate a positive message. In some, the blue flame could signal protection from divinities.
Red flame
It is believed that the red flame could mean that the energy around you is mundane. Most people argue that it does not really have a religious meaning, while others think it signals danger and action.
Yellow flame
Candles always burn in yellow flame, implying that the energy is earthy. People believe that when you can use the vibrations around the yellow flame if you are an assertive person. It is implied that you have been so intentional with your thoughts and prayers that all you see is a yellow flame.
What do different types of flame mean spiritually?

A tall and steady flame
When the candle flame is tall and steady, it can mean that your energy is at the right level. In most cases, you might see the candle flame tall and steady when you are praying for the results of your handwork. The message could be that you are at the very last step of seeing your results. Sometimes it could imply that you are spiritually confident that your prayers can be answered.
Flickering flame
When the candle flame is flickering, it could mean that there are invisible divine beings present in the surrounding. In some instances, a flickering flame could mean that you will receive a visitor. Also, in some cases, the candle flame could flicker to inform you that your prayers might have been answered. Therefore, you need to be keen to see which side the flame keeps flickering towards so that you get a close interpretation; Here are the possible ways to interpret a flickering flame.
- When the candle flickers to the east, it could mean that there is a spirit in the surrounding, and the spirit could be very active.
- When the candle flickers more to the west, it could mean that your deep emotions might result in a spell. For instance, if you feel deeply angry towards someone, and your candle flickers to the west, some people say that your emotions towards that person can turn into a spell.
- When the candle flame flickers to the south, it implies that you are in your comfort zone. It could mean that you have not realized the physical and divine capacity that could enable you to step out of your comfort zone.
- Finally, when it flickers to the north, it might mean that there is no magical energy. The energy could be more physical, and you might experience it through a visitor coming to your home.
Dancing flame
A dancing flame could mean that the prayers have been received, but the answer can come with many problems. This implies that the answers can be overwhelming because there could be powerful energies working against you.
Crackling and splattering flame
The crackling and splattering flame could mean that the energies are not in agreement. It implies that arguments await you after the prayer.
Popping flame
When the candle flame keeps popping, it is believed to have a negative meaning. If you are praying, it could mean that the answer is no/ rejection. Also, it could mean that you and the spirit you are communicating to are not aligned because your intentions and the spirit’s intention could be parallel. However, in some cases, the popping film could act as a signal to you that you might be in danger.
Steady flame
In most instances, a steady flame could be associated with positive energy, intentions, and vibes. This implies that whatever you could be praying for could be highly supported by the positivity around you, which suggests that you should be more patient and focused.
Dual flames
When a candle flame becomes two, meaning they are split, it could mean that there are two forces fighting against each other. Each of the forces or energy might be fighting to dominate—working together is rarely the case. So when this happens, it could mean that internally, you might be undecided about what you want and barely know what will make you contented. For example, you could be praying and manifesting for a good relationship, yet you still want your ex back; this can cause a dual flame on your candle. Also, in some cases, if you are trying to pray, it could mean there is a prayer against you too.
A short, weak flame
A short, weak flame could imply that your energy is weak, which suggests that your prayer is weak. The prayer could also be answered but in a weak way because stronger energies could be working against you.
Flame extinguishes on its own
It is often associated with bad meanings because some believe a prayer against you could work. Others do believe that your energy is escaping and getting lower. In such an instance, most people can pray a prayer of renewal and relight the candle.
Should I be worried about my candle flame messages?
It is suggested that you should pay attention to the candle flame messages because they are intentional. It is believed that if you pay attention to the messages, you will also get spiritual guidance on how to respond. So many experts urge beginners to pay attention and give the messages significant focus; eventually, you might learn to interpret each flame and know what to do.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.