An intercessory prayer for a lost soul (intercede for a lost soul with this deep and powerful soul)

You might have a person you feel has lost their soul and would like them to be restored. Believe in God and intercede for them because God can restore the lost.

When you trust in God, He is faithful enough to restore that lost soul because we see in the Bible that He is likened to the shepherd who left the 99 sheep to go and look for one which was lost, in Luke 15:3-7.

Open your heart to God, and let us pray.

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Dear God,

Thank you for the love and mercy that you have offered us. You love us so much that you have given us your grace to carry us this far.

It is by the love you have for us that you gave your only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die for us so that we may be reconciled with you.

Father, I come to you today to pray for (mention the name of the person you are praying for) who has lost track of your way.

Remember this soul, O God, and rescue it so that it does not fall into the hands of the enemy because your word tells us that our enemy, the devil, is roaming around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

I call upon your name, Lord, to touch this soul and let your grace recover it to your kingdom. Heaven rejoices when one lost soul comes back to Christ, touch this one to come back.

Do not allow the devil to devour them, but let your love take charge.

Heavenly Father, your word tells us that you did not send Jesus to come to the world to condemn it, but so that we may be saved, let your purpose be fulfilled in this soul.

Break any chains that may be holding them back, any sin that may be taking them away from you so that they may know you.

Help them fight the spiritual battles that might be on the way because we do not fight against flesh and blood but with the principalities and rulers of darkness.

Do not let them be defeated because the kingdom of darkness cannot prevail. There is nothing impossible with you. You can restore the lost, and you can bring them back. I believe that you will bring them back.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


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