I have grown and thrived in love. Growing up, my parents were staunch Christians and believed we all needed to lead our lives with pure love. I grew up knowing, and I actually believe that God is the one who gives us the ability to love and be loved. He showed us the first form of pure love by letting his only son Jesus Christ, die for us when we were still sinners. I always pray to experience such beautiful and pure love, a love that will fill my life with happiness. If you are seeking love and happiness in your life, you might ask, what are some prayers for love?
An example of a prayer for love is, “Dear God, fill my heart with your unconditional love. Help me to see others through your eyes and to love them as you do. May your love flow through me and bring joy and happiness into my life and the lives of those around me. May I also attract and experience this pure love that I radiate. May those I interact with fill my life with love and happiness. Amen.”
Join me as I share with you some examples of prayers that you can say if you are seeking a life full of love and joy. I will also share some bible verses about praying for love and shed light if these prayers work. Keep reading to learn more.
Bible verses about praying for love
There are several verses in the Bible that can guide us when praying for love. Some of them include; 1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
This verse reminds us that love is the most important thing in life. When we pray for love, we are asking for the ability to love others unconditionally and to be loved in return. We are also acknowledging that love is a gift from God and that without it, our lives would be incomplete.
John 13:34-35 says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
In this verse, Jesus commands us to love one another just as he has loved us. When praying for love, we are asking for the strength to love others in the same way that Jesus loves us. We are also asking for the ability to show others the love of Christ so that they may come to know him.
1 Peter 4:8 says, “Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
This verse teaches us that love has the power to cover a multitude of sins. This helps us to ask for the ability to forgive others and to let go of grudges. It also guides us to pray for the strength to love others deeply, even when they have hurt us.
Matthew 22:37-40. In this passage, Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment which is love for God and others. When we pray for love, we are asking for the ability to fulfil these two commandments. We are asking for the strength to love God with all our being and to love our neighbours as ourselves.
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10 Prayers for love

A prayer for true love
Dear Father, you have shown us love in the purest form possible. Your heart is abounding in love, truth, and wisdom. Lord, you guide us to love others just as we love ourselves. Every day we are reminded of your love that we cannot even fathom. A love so great that you let your only son Jesus Christ died for us. You teach us to walk with love and light and be a source of love and happiness to others. We are so blessed to call you father. Lord, I pray that you may guide our hearts to happiness and true love. Whatever is not meant for us, may you remove it from our way. Lord, we choose to live by your light, love, and happiness every day of our lives. Amen. – Inspired by Marjorie Jackson
This prayer is a request for God’s guidance in finding true love. It acknowledges that true love is a gift from God and that He knows what is best for our lives. It is a humble and heartfelt plea for divine assistance in finding a fulfilling and lasting romantic relationship.
Prayer for a joyful heart
Dear God, I come before you with a heart full of gratitude. Please fill my heart with joy and happiness. Help me to see the good in every situation and to focus on the blessings in my life. Teach me to be grateful for all that I have and to share my joy with those around me. Protect me and guide me in everything that I do. Amen.
This prayer is inspired by Romans 15:13. It is a prayer to ask God to fill your heart with joy regardless of the season you are in.
A prayer to let in love
Dear Father, the desires of my heart and my intentions are pure. I am praying that you give me the strength and grace to help me and let me love. I have been closed off because of the constant betrayals that have happened in my life. But I trust you to send the right people to me. People that worship you as their one true God. Those who will fill my life with nothing short of love and happiness. I pray that you connect me with friends that are destiny helpers. People who have a pure heart for you. Dear Lord, bless me with people that I can truly share my heart with. I pray for your protection as you help me let my guard down and accept the love that you are sending my way. – Inspired by Connectus fund organization
Sometimes we place ourselves in positions where we are unable to connect with the people God send our way. This prayer allows you to let God take control and protection and help you connect with people who will fill your life with love and happiness.
A prayer for peace and happiness
Dear God, I come to you today with a heavy heart, seeking your guidance and blessings for peace and happiness. I ask that you grant me the strength and wisdom to navigate this world with love, compassion, and understanding. Please help me find inner peace and contentment to radiate positivity and kindness towards others. Guide me in my actions, thoughts, and words so that I may always strive to make this world a better place. Thank you for listening to my prayer. I trust you will lead me towards a brighter future filled with joy and abundance. Amen. – Inspired by Connectusfund.org
This prayer is a request for help in finding inner peace and contentment so that you can spread positivity and kindness to others. The prayer emphasizes the importance of love, compassion, and understanding and acknowledges the presence of conflict and hardship in the world.
A prayer for someone you love
Dear Father, you know my heart so well and know my love for this beautiful soul. Thank you for allowing us to find each other and filling our experiences with so much love. Lord, I bring them before you and pray that you shower them will blessings. Guide them, protect them and watch over them every more. I pray that you will continue giving me the grace to care for them. May your grace, love, freedom, and happiness that comes from above surround them. May your love and mercy be with us for the rest of our lives. Amen. – Inspired by desiringGod.org
This prayer is a request for blessings for someone you love. The prayer shows a deep concern for the person’s happiness and fulfilment and expresses a trust that God will watch over and bless them.
A prayer to let go of past wounds and find love and happiness
Dear God, I come before you broken and in pain because of past experiences. I have been in this phase enough, and I want to get out of it and find your light. You remind me in your word that pain only lasts at night, and joy comes in the morning (Psalms 30:5). Father, this is my morning, and I pray that you may wrap me in love and forgiveness. Help me let go of all painful experiences that are limiting me from experiencing your pure love. I want to find love and happiness in each place that I am and go. May you wrap me in your pure truth. Lead me on this healing path till I let go and become soft in your presence. Thank you for loving me even in these hard times. Connect me to people that will bring nothing but happiness and love in my life. Amen.
This prayer is based on Psalms 30:5. Your life might be full of darkness and pain, but go back to God and remind him of His promises in your life, and see the darkness is replaced by light and love, and the pain turning into happiness, because your morning has dawned.
A prayer for a loving relationship
Dear God, I come to you today with a humble heart, seeking your blessings for my relationship with my partner. I ask that you guide us towards a deep and meaningful love that is built on trust, respect, and compassion. Please grant us the strength to overcome any challenges that may arise and the wisdom to communicate openly and honestly with each other. May we always treat each other with kindness and understanding, and may our love grow stronger with each passing day. Amen. – Inspired by praywithme.com
This prayer is a request for blessings for a romantic relationship. The prayer also acknowledges the importance of individual growth and support and asks for blessings in both partners’ lives. The prayer emphasizes the idea that the relationship should be a reflection of God’s divine love. Top of Form
A general prayer for happiness
Dear Father, I come before you, acknowledging that I am thirsty for happiness and light in my life. Lord, allow me to rest in your happiness and walk with hope in everything that I do. May everything that I engage in glorify your name and bring happiness my way. Lord, today I bring you my heavy burden and take your yolk, which is easy. I am casting everything to you and ask that you shower me with peace and happiness. Thank you for your grace and mercy in my life. Amen.
This prayer is based on Romans 15:13. This prayer allows you to surrender to God and trust him to fill you with the hope and happiness that you desire so much.
A prayer for a happy and loving family
Dear God, I come to you today with a grateful heart, thanking you for the blessing of my family. I ask that you watch over us and guide us towards a happy and loving family life. Please grant us the wisdom to communicate with each other openly and honestly and the patience to listen with an open heart. May we always treat each other with kindness, respect, and compassion, and may our love for each other grow deeper every day. Please help us to overcome any challenges that may arise and support each other through difficult times. May we always be a source of joy and inspiration for each other, and may our family be a reflection of your divine love. I trust that you will continue to watch over us and guide us towards a happy and loving family life. Amen. –Inspired by holyandprayer.com
This prayer is a request for blessings for a family. It acknowledges the importance of communication, kindness, and respect in a happy and loving family life. The prayer emphasizes that the family should be a reflection of God’s love and expresses a trust that God will continue to watch over and guide the family.
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Prayer for God’s guidance in finding love and happiness
Dear God, please guide me towards the right person who will bring happiness and love into my life. Help me to discern your will and make wise choices in my relationships. May your love fill my heart and guide me towards true happiness. –Inspired by Prayerscapes.com
In this prayer, we ask God for discernment in our relationships and for the wisdom to make the right choices. It seeks to align our desires with God’s will, trusting that his plans for us are good and loving.
Can I pray for a lost love to come back?

You can pray for lost love to come back. It is common for people to pray for guidance, strength, and comfort in difficult times, including those related to relationships. However, whether or not you should pray for your lost love to come back is ultimately a personal decision that depends on your individual beliefs and values.
It is also important to reflect on why you want this person to return and whether it is in your best interest and the other person’s. This is because sometimes God removes people from our lives because they do not align with his will for us.
Therefore, when praying for lost love to come back, first seek God and ask him if this person is destined to be in your life. Whatever outcome comes, always remember that everything happens for good to those who trust God. If the love comes back, thank God for the renewal, and if it doesn’t, accept God’s will and ask him to connect you with people that align with His will for your life.
Can I say these prayers for someone else?
Yes, you can pray for love for someone else. A prayer is a powerful tool for bringing positive change into the lives of others. You can ask for blessings, love, and happiness to come into their lives and for them to find someone who loves and cares for them deeply. You can use the above prayers or twist them accordingly, depending on who you are praying for and why.
When praying for someone else, it’s important to keep their specific situation in mind and focus your intentions on what is best for them. Praying for others is a great way to send positive energy and support their journey towards finding love and happiness.
Do these prayers work?
The effectiveness of these prayers is a matter of personal belief and faith. God says in his word that if you pray in faith and believe whatever you have asked for will happen, it will happen (Mathew 21:22). Furthermore, these prayers are helpful in several ways. They provide a sense of comfort and peace to you and help you focus your intentions on what you want in your life. Additionally, prayers help foster a sense of gratitude, which attracts more positive experiences into one’s life.
Furthermore, when praying for love and happiness, it is important to ask God to help you take action and make changes in your life to create the conditions for love to flourish. The scripture is clear that faith without actions is dead (James 2:26). Therefore, this might mean being open to new experiences, working on personal growth, and treating others with kindness and respect.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.