As a born-again Christian, born and brought up in a family of pastors, I strongly believe in the powerful protection of God. The world is full of evil people with malicious plans to hurt others. However, I believe that God protects His people, especially those that pray for His protection. Therefore, I have come up with 5 Prayers to Cancel Evil Plan of the Enemy and Protection.
One example of a prayer to cancel the evil plan of the enemy and ask for God’s protection is, “Father God, I thank you for your blessings towards me and my family. I am grateful for being part of this great family. My family is blessed, protected, and I pray that you bless and protect even future generations. This world is full of evils and turmoil. I pray that you may shield my family from any evil. Give us an Angel to look over us and guide us to the right paths. Thank you, Jesus, for I know that you will do it for us. Amen. This pray is perfect when asking God to protect your family from any evil plans of the enemy. Therefore, have Faith in God and let him be in control of your family.
In this article, I invite you as we get deeper into praying for protection. I will also uncover answers to some questions that many people ask, such as; the best time to pray for protection against our enemies, how many times we should pray for God’s protection, and whether the prayers provided in this article work for all enemies, and so much more, so read till the end.
5 Prayers to Cancel Evil Plan of the Enemy and Protection

A Prayer to protect my family and me against our enemies.
Sweet Jesus, I am before you on my knees, grateful for your blessings and the perfect family that you have given me. Lord, you have blessed me with beautiful children and a husband, a successful marriage, and a blossoming business. However, these few weeks have been so hard for me and my family, for we are going through trials and tribulations that are making us weak physically and spiritually. Enemies are pursuing us from every corner, and I don’t think we can fight these battles alone. Lord, I need you to come through for my family and me, for I know you are always by our side.
Your word tells me that we should be strong and courageous and never be terrified of our enemies because you will never leave us nor forsake us. Lord, I trust in your word and have faith in you. Destroy all the evil plans that the enemies plan against me and my family. Send us an angel to protect us when they try to harm us. Give us strength and strengthen our Faith in you. I pray this prayer through Christ Jesus. Amen. – Inspired by Deuteronomy 31:6
Pray this prayer for your family to get God’s protection against all evil plans that the devil plans against you. God listens and will give you protection from every evil, known or unknown, that may destroy you or your family.
A prayer for God to protect you in your suffering
My Father in Heaven, I have Faith that you are always with us who have dedicated their life to you. You bless the righteous and wish us good. I also know that as Christians, we face a lot of battles that are planned by those influenced by the devil to destroy us. However, you have told us to resist and be still in our faith, knowing that the same sufferings we are facing are being faced by other Christians in the world. You also tell us that after we have suffered, you will restore us, strengthen, and establish us. That is why I call upon you to help me overcome these sufferings. I pray that you may restore me, strengthen and establish me as your child, Jehovah. I pray that my faith remains firm in you as you take control and cancel all the evil plans of my enemies. Father, let me come out strong and get to testify of your mighty deeds. I thank you for you have given me strength for all this time, and I know that you will hear my prayer and fulfil it for me. I pray, trust, and have faith in the name of Jesus. Amen. – Inspired by 1 Peter 5:9-11
Pray this prayer that shows you have faith in God and his word. He will hear your prayer and answer it because of the faith and trust you have in Him.
A prayer for God to scatter your enemies
Almighty Father, you helped Jesus to conquer the devil in the wilderness and protect the Israelites from all their enemies whenever they called upon you. I glorify your name for your mercies and love towards us. Father God, my enemies are united at this time to destroy me, but I declare victory over them through the name of Jesus Christ. I pray that you may protect me from all the evil plans they are planning against me. Jehovah, your word assures us that you shall cause our enemies to be smitten before us whenever they try to rise against us. Lord, fulfil this promise in my life. Give me your Holy Spirit to walk with me and guide me to safety. Father, you know everything that is done in secret and light. Therefore, I know that you know the plans my enemies are planning in secret. Cancel those evil plans and help me forgive them as you have instructed in your word. I pray this prayer in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. – Inspired by Psalms 68:1
God has promised to scatter all the enemies that rise against his people. Believe and pray this prayer asking God to protect you from your enemies, and because of the faith you have in him, he will do it for you.
Prayer for God to protect you from your enemies
My Father and my God, I praise your name today as I am before you, praying for your protection against my enemies. Lord God, you are my refuge and my shield from all the evils that my enemies send toward me. I praise and glorify you for that. Lord Jesus, my enemies are currently attacking me from all directions. They are fighting my marriage and trying to break it, they are fighting my children with sickness and even my business. I pray that you may shield me and all around me from my enemies’ darts. Jehovah, fight this battle for me and go before me to protect me. Remember my marriage that is unified through you and my children, who are a blessing to me from you. Lord, send your guardian angel for my spouse and my children to guard them against any evil send my enemies. Jehovah, I know you will preserve me from all evil, you will preserve my soul, and you shall protect me in my going out and coming back to my home that you gave me. This is because you have promised to do it through your word that I believe in. Jehovah, don’t let them win. Glorify your name through me and show my enemies that I serve a powerful God. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen. – Inspired by Psalms 121:7-8
God has said he will keep you from all evils of the enemies. Therefore, pray that he may be with you and those around you and keep you all from any evil plans that the devil is planning against you using your enemies.
Prayer for Awareness of the Evil Plans of the Enemy
Lord Jesus, thank you for when you were here on earth, you proved to us you are more powerful than the demons by casting them out and destroying them. Lord, I know that we also have the same power as long as we have Faith in you. Therefore, I pray that you may help me be aware of those planning evil against me. Lord, I know that as a Christian, I have a lot of enemies sent by the devil to destroy me. Help me be aware of when they come to destroy me, and help me have enough faith to come out of their battles victorious. However, Jehovah, let me not dwell on their evil plans, but instead, cling to your word that assures me protection and mighty shied. Help me to rejoice in you and your promise of good plans for my future. I love you, Lord, and worship you always. I pray through Christ Jesus. Amen. – Inspired by Grace & Prayers
God knows everything that happens on earth. He can see and hear everything, so this prayer is a petition that he may let you be aware of evil plans that your enemies plan against you in secret and even in light.
What is the best time to pray for protection against the enemy?

It is best to pray for protection against the enemy at any time of the day. This is because there is no specific time set for God’s people to pray for protection against their enemies. Psalms 121:4 reads, “Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” This verse suggests that God never sleeps, so we know that He will listen to our prayers for protection whenever we pray. God is never weary to listen to our prayers, so we can pray for his protection at any time of the day or any place.
According to 1 Timothy 2:8, the Bible implies that we should pray everywhere by lifting our holy hands. Therefore, it does not matter what time it is or where you are, pray to God that He may cancel any evil plans of the enemies that are planned to destroy you. 1 Thessalonians 5:7 mentions that we should pray continually. Therefore, pray all the time, for that is the will of God.
How many times should I pray to cancel the evil plans of the enemy?
As a follower of Jesus Christ, you are bound to pray as many times as possible to cancel the evil plans of the enemy. God never tires to hear his children ask for his protection. According to Luke 18:1-8, the Bible implies that Jesus told a parable of the persistent widow who always went to a heartless Judge hoping to get Justice against her enemies. However, the judge often turned her down, but due to her persistence, the judge decided to grant her justice so the widow can stop nagging him.
Luke 18:1 reads, “And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart.” Therefore, according to this verse, the main reason Jesus told this parable is to teach his people that they should always pray. Therefore, you are not limited to a certain number of prayers for protection per hour or day. You can pray as many prayers and as many times as possible until God hears your cry for his protection and answers you.
Also, according to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 16, “Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies, 21 but test everything; hold fast what is good. 22 Abstain from every form of evil.” Verse 17 of this chapter suggests that we should pray continuously without giving up. Therefore, we should pray continually that God cancels all evil planned by the enemy and He grants us his protection. The continuation of the verse suggests that we should abstain from all evils. Therefore, as you pray without ceasing for God to cancel the evil plans of the enemies, ensure you don’t engage in any evil doings as paybacks to your enemies, for God wants us to be righteous and forgiving.
Can these prayers work on all enemies?
Yes, these prayers can work on all enemies because the Bible implies in the book of Mark 11:24 that if we ask and believe that we will receive it, God will listen to our prayer and fulfil it. God wants us to have Faith in him as we make our prayers for his protection. We should believe that he has the power to fulfil our prayers for him to do it. Therefore, have faith as you pray these prayers, and they will work for you and those you need God to protect.
However, Mark 11:25 reads, “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” The Bible implies that when we pray for God to provide us with his help, we should forgive those who have wronged us for him to also forgive us. Therefore, as you pray these prayers, have the will to forgive all the enemies that have wronged you so that God can also forgive you as he listens to your prayer.
Additionally, Luke 6:27-28 reads, “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.” Jesus taught his followers that they should pray for those who plan evil for them and love their enemies. God will listen to these prayers if you love your enemies and don’t wish any evil on them.
Therefore, these prayers will work if first, you have faith in God, second, have the will in your heart to forgive all the enemies, and third, love your enemies and wish them no evil. Do not plan any evil for your enemies as revenge because according to Romans 12:19, the Bible implies that we should not take revenge, but instead, leave room for God’s wrath because it is written, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay.”

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.