What did Adam and Eve cover themselves with (What does the Bible say)?     

As a Christian, one of the bible stories I have heard many times is that of Adam and Eve. I am always intrigued by how they came to be during the creation story and how God placed them in the Garden of Eden. Unfortunately, the story does not have a happy ending since they ate the forbidden fruit, which made them realize they were naked. After realizing they were naked, a question I always come across is; what did Adam and Eve cover themselves with?

The Bible in Genesis 3:7 implies that Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves they sewed together. This is after they ate the forbidden fruit and realized they were naked, prompting them to look for something to cover themselves with.

I invite you to join me in this article to learn more about Adam and Eve. Keep reading to find out what they covered themselves with and much more.

Why did Adam and Eve make garments of fig leaves to cover themselves?

What did Adam and Eve cover themselves with?     
Adam and Eve make garments of fig leaves to cover themselves. Image source: Pinterest

Genesis 3:7 explains that Adam and Eve made garments of fig leaves to cover themselves since they realized they were naked. When God placed them in the Garden of Eden, He instructed them to eat from any tree apart from the one in the middle of the garden. But they went against the command, and when they ate the fruit from the tree, their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked, hence, making the fig leaves garments to cover themselves.

How did Adam and Eve sew fig leaves together to cover their nakedness?

Adam and Eve were given understanding as soon as they ate the forbidden fruit and saw they were naked. Although it is not stated how exactly they sew the fig leaves together, the Bible in Genesis 3:10 implies that they did not sew something perfect because when God came to look for them, Adam indicated that he was naked despite covering himself with the fig leaves. God did not also accept the fig leaves coverings as they were made of their ingenuity; thus, He made skin garments for them and clothed them.

Is the word ‘naked’ in Genesis 2:25 metaphorical?

The word naked in Genesis 2:25 is metaphorical to mean that Adam and Eve were innocent. The Bible indicates in this verse that they were both naked but did not feel any shame. Thus, they did not have guilt or sin before they ate the forbidden fruit.  

Why was nudity suddenly a shame for Adam?

What did Adam and Eve cover themselves with
Why was nudity suddenly a shame for Adam? Image source: Pinterest

Nudity was suddenly a shame for Adam because he became conscious of his body, and it also symbolized breaking a covenant with God. He immediately understood his condition, which was both physically naked and spiritually naked. He violated God’s command, felt guilt, and became ashamed of his nakedness.

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