What does the story of Adam and Eve teach us (Lesson from Adam and Eve’s story)?

As a Christian and Pastor, I enjoy reading the word of God. Every time I think about sin, I remember the story of Eve and Adam. Though I have taught the congregation in my church this story several times, I realized that some members do not fully comprehend it. That is why I decided to share my insights on it. So, what does the story of Adam and Eve teach us?

The story of Adam and Eve teaches us where we came from since God said, “Let us make man in our image” (Genesis 1:26). It also teaches us that we are God’s divine creation since we were created in his likeness. This story teaches that God is a skilled creator and that we should always obey him. Additionally, it teaches us that we are stewards of his creation since God gave Adam and Eve dominion over every living thing on earth (Genesis 1:28).

In this article, I invite you to join me as we look at the importance of the story of Eve and Adam. Keep reading to find out why the fall of Eve and Adam was necessary and much more!

Why is the story of Adam and Eve important?

The story of Eve and Adam is crucial since it helps us understand where we came from. Though numerous theories try to explain the origin of humanity, the story of Eve and Adam gives us facts on how humans were created. Genesis 1:26 tells us that God said he would make man in his own image and likeness. According to Genesis 2:7, God formed man from dust and breathed into his nostrils.

As Christians, we believe that the Bible is the true word of God and that Adam and Eve were real people. Therefore, their story eliminates doubts about the origin of man. Additionally, the story of Eve and Adam offers the basis for the doctrines of the original sin, an important belief in Christianity.

The story of Eve and Adam helps us understand where sin came from. The Bible tells us that God had instructed Eve and Adam to get food from every tree but not from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But the couple listened to the serpent that told them to eat the forbidden fruit, and they sinned against God. This is what is referred to as the fall of man.

What is the point of the story of Adam and Eve?

Lesson from Adam and Eve’s story
Lessons from story of Adam and Eve. Image source: Unsplash

The historical record of Eve and Adam shows us the reasons behind our hardships. The Bible tells us that when God made Adam and Eve, he placed them in the Garden of Eden. Christians imply that this garden was like paradise since they faced no hardships before they sinned. God gave them food (Genesis 2:16) and everything they needed to survive. Before they sinned, they knew no pain, sorrow, or death. Christians speculate that God’s initial plan was for man to live forever since he told them in Genesis 2:17 that if they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they would die.

Despite God’s warnings, Adam and Eve sinned, and their fall led to the hardships humans experience today. God told Eve that since she manipulated Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, she would experience pain in her labor all the days of her life. This is a hardship that was passed down to every woman.

Additionally, God judged Adam for listening to his wife and told him that he would have to work and sweat to eat for the rest of his life. Today, every man experiences the hardship of working hard to feed himself and his family.

The point of the story of Adam and Eve is also to teach us where death came from. God told the man that he came from dust and to dust he shall return (Genesis 3: 19). Their sin introduced death into the world.

Lessons from the Story of Adam and Eve

One of the lessons that we learn from this story is that God is a skilled and intelligent creator. Genesis tells us that God first created everything else before making Adam and Eve. He did this so that they would have everything they needed. Additionally, making Adam from the dust of the ground shows how skilled God is.

We also learn that we are stewards of God’s creation since God gave our first parents dominion over every living thing on earth (Genesis 1:28). The story of Eve and Adam teaches us that God not only entrusts the world to our care but also holds us accountable for our actions.

We also learn that God’s plan was for man to have a companion. He said in Genesis 2:18 that it was not good for man to be alone and made him a helper. Therefore from this story, we learn that God created every human with a desire for companionship.

What is the message of the story of Adam and Eve?

What does the story of Adam and Eve teach us?
The message of the story of Adam and Eve. Image source: Pinterest

The message from this story is that Only God has absolute knowledge of what is evil and good. Therefore, as Christians, we should trust in him and always obey his commands. This story teaches us that we need God’s guidance before making decisions to avoid wronging him like Adam and Eve.

Another message from this story is that every human was created for purpose. Though God created other things like animals and plants, only Adam and Eve were created in his likeness. From this story, Christians believe that humans are God’s divine creation.

Another message from this story is that we should always beware of our enemies. Genesis 3:1 tells us that the serpent was craftier than the rest of the animals that God created. Since Eve did not recognize the serpent as her enemy, she fell into temptation. Christians liken the serpent from this story to Satan, who is the enemy we should beware aware of (James 4:7)

Why was the fall of Adam and Eve necessary?

Christians imply that the fall of Eve and Adam was a necessary step in God’s plan to bring about salvation to mankind. This is because when Eve and Adam sinned, they passed on this sin to every other human. God promised a savior that would redeem us from sin. That savior is referred to as the last Adam in 1st Corinthians 15:45. Christians believe that Last Adam was Jesus Christ.

Additionally, John 3:16 elaborates on God’s plan to save mankind from sin. It tells us that God sacrificed his only son to rectify our sins. If Adam and Eve did not sin, Jesus would not have died, and we would have understood the depth of God’s unconditional love for us. It was through this sacrifice that eternal life was available to mankind.

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