The dilemma that led to the statement “what shall I do with Jesus” is recorded in Mathew 27:22. Pontius Pilate had Jesus in custody but wanted nothing to do with his suffering, hence why he posed the question to the Jews. The job of Pilate was to maintain peace in Jerusalem. Jewish leaders and Pharisees had arrested Jesus and wanted him to be executed, but Pontius Pilate did not find Christ guilty. The question Pilate asked the multitude is a dilemma we all face. You have also probably asked, “What shall I do with Jesus?”
You can either accept Jesus as the personal savior of your life or reject him as the Jews did. However, when debating on what to do with Jesus, do not inquire from those with self-interests like the Jews. Pontius Pilate asked the Jews for a solution, and they urged him to execute Jesus. However, this does not mean that the crucifixion of Jesus was an accident, as the son of man had to suffer and die for us to be saved. Either way, the question Pontius Pilate asked was key and applied in our modern lives. Let’s choose Jesus and do what his word urges us to do.
So, where in the Bible does Pilate ask what he should do with Jesus? Why did Pilate ask what he should do with Jesus? Why is it essential to decide on what to do with Jesus? Continue reading to get more information and answers to these questions.
Where in the Bible does Pilate ask what he should do with Jesus?
The Bible accounts for Pontius Pilate inquiring what he should do with Jesus in the book of Mathew 27:22. “What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked. They all answered, crucify him!” Pontius had a conviction that Jesus was not guilty, and they arrested him because of their self-interest.
However, he did not want to be blamed and thus turned the hard question of what he would do with Jesus to the multitude; they betrayed and mocked Jesus and asked for a real criminal to be released instead of our savior Jesus Christ. However, Jesus had foreseen all this coming as he had earlier noted that he would be rejected by his hometown and have to suffer and die.
Why did Pilate ask what he should do with Jesus?
Pilate asked what he should do with Jesus because he knew that Jesus was innocent and that they had brought him to be executed because of selfish interests. Furthermore, his wife warned him not to have anything to do with Jesus because it was evident that he was innocent.
Mathew 27:19 says, “When Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent him this message: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.” Pilate wanted nothing to do with Jesus’ execution, as he knew very well that Christ was innocent of all the charges being placed against him.
However, his role was to maintain peace and do whatever the crowd needed, as it was a tradition that the crowd chose the prisoner to be released. After a confrontation with the crowd that led to nowhere, Pontius washed his hand and declared that Jesus’ blood was not on him. He granted the multitude their wish and went ahead to crucify Christ.
Why is it essential to decide on what to do with Jesus today?
It is important to decide on what you should do with Jesus in your life because that is the basis of establishing a relationship with him. You can only accept Jesus as the savior of your life or reject him; the choice is totally yours. When Pontius asked what he should do with Jesus, he made the wrong decision by seeking answers from the multitude. When asking yourself what to do with Jesus, seek answers from the Bible or believers.
Furthermore, it is important to make a decision about what to do with Jesus because, either way, your decision will have implications. If you choose to believe in him and accept him as your savior, then the Bible is clear that you are his co-heirs and thus will enjoy the kingdom of heaven when he comes for us. However, if you decide to reject him, then the curse of eternal death is on you.
Scholars note how John portrayed the trial of Jesus before his crucifixion to show that he is truly the king. He was despised and rejected by the multitude, mocked by many, beaten, and even condemned by Pilate, but still, Pilate ordered that the wording “King of the Jews” be put on his cross. He faced all these sufferings for us so that we may believe in him, be saved, and not reject him like the Jews.
Several reasons can lead you to reject Jesus. One of the significant reasons is if he threatens your self-righteousness. The Bible is clear that the grace of God saved us through our faith and not by our works so that no one can boast about their righteousness. Therefore, you will reject him if you feel your self-righteousness is threatened and do not want to submit to Christ. The Jews rejected Jesus because of their self-interests.
Another reason one would reject Jesus is that though you have nothing against him, following him would mean you leave a part of your life behind that you are not ready to let go of. This happens mostly when we are required to leave behind what defines us. However, Christ urges us to find his identity in him because we were made in his image and likeness.
“What shall I do, then, with Jesus, who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked!
Why you must make a decision about God
Lesson 95: What will you do with Jesus? (John 18:28-19:16)
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.