Last Sunday, I was in charge of the Sunday school, as I love working with kids. My assignment was to explain to them how God created the first man Adam, and then the first woman Eve through his divine nature. We went through the creation story in-depth. After my teaching, I posed some questions to ensure they understood the topic well. I asked them, “who is Adam and Eve?” and “Where is Adam and Eve in the Bible?”
Adam and Eve mostly appear in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament after God had finished creating the earth and heavens. Adam first appears in Genesis 2:15 when God creates him and puts him in the Garden of Eden to take care of it. On the other hand, Eve appears first in the Bible in Genesis 2:22 when God makes Adam fall asleep and then creates her out of his rib.
So, read with me to the end as I explain more about the chapters in the Bible that mention Adam and Eve and if the two are also mentioned in the New Testament.
What chapter is Adam and Eve in the Bible?

Adam and Eve are mentioned mainly in the book of Genesis. On most occasions, they are mentioned as individuals, but there are a few chapters in which they have been mentioned together in the Bible. First, they are mentioned in Genesis 2:25, where the Bible records how they were naked in the Garden of Eden and were not ashamed.
Adam and Eve are also mentioned in Genesis 3:20, as the bible records how Adam named his wife Eve, as she was the mother of all living. They are also mentioned in Genesis 4:1, where Adams makes love to his wife, Eve, and conceives their first son Cain.
Where are Adam and Eve found?
The Bible suggests that Adam and Eve were found in the Garden of Eden. When God first created Adam, as indicated in Genesis 2, he put him in the Garden of Eden and commanded him to look after it. He also instructed him on what to eat in the garden and what to avoid.
While in the Garden of Eden, God saw it fit to create Adam, a helper, as he saw him lonely. Eve was created, and they both stayed in the Garden of Eden. The Bible also suggests that Adam and Eve were found in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3 when Satan tempted Eve.
The Bible records Satan questioning Eve on what God had told them concerning the fruit of the middle tree. Satan manages to convince Eve, and she plucks the fruit and eats it. She then takes some to her husband, Adam, who eats it.
Is Adam and Eve referenced in the New Testament?

There are a few references to Adam and Eve in the New Testament. St Paul records in 1 Timothy 2:13-14 that Adam was formed first and then Eve, and that, therefore, Adam was not deceived but Eve.
Adam and Eve are also referenced in the New Testament through Matthew 19:4-6 when Jesus informs the Pharisees that God made a man and woman in the beginning when he addressed marriage and divorce.
1 Corinthians 11:8-12 also refers to Adam and Eve when it suggests that a woman was the one who was made from man and not the other way round, just like Eve was made out of Adam’s rib.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.