Talking about the first human beings has always been a topic of interest amongst my kids in Bible study. I like how they always want to understand the Bible, right from the story of the first human beings—understanding our roots as Christians. So on this particular day, we were talking about the death of Adam and Eve. One of them asked; where is Adam and Eve’s grave?
Although there is no Biblical evidence of their graves, it is suggested that Adam and Eve’s grave is in Hebron. Adam and Eve are believed to have been buried in the Machpela Tomb according to Jewish Tradition. However, according to all other Christians, the grave of Adam and Eve are believed to be in Jerusalem, the exact place where Jesus was crucified. Other narratives suggest that Eve’s grave is in Jeddah, Arabia.
Join me in today’s article as I write about the place where Adam and Eve were buried. I will also write about what happened to their remains and why their tomb was destroyed. Read on to find out more.
What happened to the remains of Adam and Eve?
It is suggested that the remains of Adam and Eve were carried to the Ark of Noah during the floods. Although it is not Biblically proven, most Christians believe that Noah might have carried their remains in the ark and buried them in Jerusalem after the floods. Christians believe that the place where Noah buried the remains of Adam and Eve in Jerusalem at the same place where Jesus was crucified.
Is there proof of Adam and Eve’s grave?

There is no Biblical proof for Adam and Eve’s grave. The narratives about their graves are based on perception and physical evidence from the perception. At Machpela, in Hebron, there is a stone behind steel bars that is called Adam’s footprint, and behind this stone, the tomb is believed to be there. It is believed that Adam chose that place for burial because it is the entrance to the Garden of Eden. Also, their idea that Eve’s grave is in Jeddah is not evidence-based or historically proven. Some Christians believe that God is not revealing the exact places for their tombs because many people can turn to idolatry and start worshipping the bodies and graves of Adam and Eve. Therefore, there is no Biblical proof.
What country are Adam and Eve buried in?
There is no consensus about the countries where Adam and Eve were buried. Therefore, there are two possible countries; Palestine and Israel. According to the story that Adam and Eve were buried in Machpela Tomb, their remains could be in Palestine. Machpela is in Hebron, a city in present-day Palestine. On the other hand, it is believed that they were buried in Jerusalem. Jerusalem is one of the holiest places that Israel and Palestine claim to own. So, if the ownership of Jerusalem is given to Israel, then their remains are in Israel.
Where are the bodies of Adam and Eve?

It is suggested that the bodies of Adam and Eve are at the entrance of the Garden of Eden. This place is believed to be Machpela, a cave where most Biblical patriarchs were buried. It is believed that Adam chose Machpela as his final resting place because it is the closest to the Garden of Eden. Also, for Eve, it is suggested that the angel directed Seth to bury her beside her husband, Adam. Therefore, both their bodies could be in Hebron, Palestine.
Why was the Tomb of Eve destroyed?
In the case where the narrative says that Eve’s body was buried in Jeddah, Arabia, it ended up being destroyed because of fear of idolatry. It is believed that Muslim religious leaders believed that Eve’s Tomb would lead the Muslims on the wrong path and decided to destroy it.
On the other hand, other believers suggest that the tomb of Eve was destroyed during the development of Urban centers. As the world moved towards more urbanization, many graves were destroyed unknowingly, and Eve’s Tomb was one of them.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.