Why is Jesus called the rose of Sharon? (What does it mean?)

Jesus Christ has so many titles in the bible. Most titles reflect his nature or are tied to his mission on earth. However, some people refer to Jesus Christ with titles that have not been explicitly linked to him in the bible. One of these titles is the rose of Sharon. Why is Jesus called the rose of Sharon?

Jesus Christ is referred to as the rose of Sharon because of the similarities he has with the plant and also because of the analogy of the bride and the bridegroom. Early fathers referred to the lily as the Church and Jesus as the rose of Sharon. In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the bridegroom and the Church as the bride. Therefore, because King Solomon expressed love in his book, bible expositors link Jesus to the rose of Sharon. Furthermore, the rose flower is always used to depict love and is considered a perfect flower. Jesus Christ, in his nature, is perfect, and he came to earth to show us his unending love for us by dying on the cross. Therefore, he is the rose of Sharon.

So, what is the meaning of the rose of Sharon? What is the spiritual significance of a rose of Sharon? Where did the idea that Jesus is the rose of Sharon come from? Is Jesus referred to as the Rose of Sharon in the bible? Continue reading to get more information and answers about these questions and more.

What is the meaning of the rose of Sharon?

The word Sharon in Hebrews refers to either a leveled plain or a place. The Plain of Sharon is located between the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains of central Israel. The Plain of Sharon is mentioned in conjunction with the town of Lydda in the book of Acts 9:35, “And all the residents of Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.” The whole term “rose of Sharon is found in the book of Song of Solomon 2:1. It says, “I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.” So, what is the meaning of the term “rose of Sharon?”

Webster defines the rose of Sharon as a hardy plant with pink, red, purple, or whitish flowers and is in the mallow family. However, the rose of Sharon, according to the book of Song of Solomon, refers to a flower that looks like a crocus and is the source of saffron. Scholars argue that the rose of Sharon, as used in the bible, does not represent the rose flower but might refer to a plant similar to a hibiscus, probably a tulip or crocus.

What is the spiritual significance of a rose of Sharon?

Why is Jesus called the rose of Sharon?
Spiritual significance of a rose of Sharon. Source: Pixabay

Bible scholars and expositors refer to Jesus as the rose of Sharon and lily as the Church. Other than the analogy of Jesus being the bridegroom (rose of Sharon) and the Church is the bride (lily), the rose of Sharon is also considered to be a perfect flower. In that, it aligns with the personality and nature of Jesus Christ on earth, as he was perfect and without any sin.

Both the rose of Sharon and Jesus Christ indicate love and perfection according to biblical interpretations. Therefore, the spiritual symbolism of the rose of Sharon is the love Christ gave us. He loved us so much that he died for us, and even when we were still in our deep sinful nature, he showed us his personal love and wanted to establish a relationship with us.

Where did the idea that Jesus is the rose of Sharon come from?

The idea of Jesus Christ being the rose of Sharon comes from him being the bridegroom and the Church being his bride. Most early churches loved the analogy of referring to Jesus as the rose of Sharon, hence why it is used today. Furthermore, there are parallels that can be linked between the rose of Sharon and Jesus Christ, our savior.

Scholars argue that the rose of Sharon thriving in unfavorable conditions symbolizes Jesus coming from the lineage of David and Jesse. Isaiah 11:1 says, “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.

Jesus holds some features that a rose holds. He is the symbol of love and is also just as fragrant and as lovely as a rose flower. Furthermore, Sharon was an area of pasture where the flocks used to feed and rest. The Bible in the Old Testament indicates that Jesus is to be found in green pastures. Psalms 23:2,He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.”

However, though the love analogy depicts the rose of Sharon and the lily as the Church, there is also nowhere in the bible where the Church is referred to as the lily. In fact, the term lily is not even mentioned in any place in the New Testament.

Is Jesus referred to as the rose of Sharon in the bible?

There is nowhere in the scripture where Jesus is referred to as the Rose of Sharon. However, many people symbolically refer to him as the Rose of Sharon. As mentioned above, people use the analogy of Christ being the bridegroom and the Church being the bride to refer to Jesus as the rose of Sharon and the lily as the bride being the lily, which is the Church.

Furthermore, the rose of Sharon symbolically refers to Jesus because just like it is called the naturalist flower queen, nothing can be compared to it. The same can be said about Jesus because his name is above all other names on earth. No one or nothing can be compared to Jesus. In fact, by the mention of his name, we all bow.


Where did the idea that Jesus is the rose of Sharon come from?

What is the rose of Sharon?

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