Veterans endure a lot of difficulties and struggles during their line of duty to protect their country. Above all, God is the only being who can assure the protection of the lives of the veterans.
Take this time in your heart and pray to God to continue protecting the veterans.
Let us pray.
Dear Everlasting Master,
I give You thanks for the brave men and women You have provided for us to defend our country. I lift the veterans in Your prayer Lord so that You can protect them while they are defending our country.
Cover them with Your holy spirit and be their armor against the bullets of men. I ask You Lord to encircle their hearts and ears so that they can be attentive during their duty O Lord.
Grant them the strength and confidence to perform their duties without any interference from the devil. Bless us with peace Father by guiding our leaders with wisdom and letting peace and calm reign the Earth.
I beseech You Lord to turn Your watchful eye to protect the veterans as they are providing their service. Dear Lord, be the veteran’s commander so that You can take them to the right path of victory.
Reward the veterans for their sacrifice to ensure there is peace on Earth.
Grant them good health so that they can continue performing their duties. I pray that You use Your power to uncover the evil plans of the enemies and destroy them with Your mighty strength.
Dear Lord, please give happiness to the veterans so that they can be motivated and courageous to perform their duties. Provide veterans safety by covering them with Your warm arms.
For the veterans who are wounded, heal their wounds and give them hope to know that they will be cured. Give Your refuge to the veterans every time they need Your help and show them the right path to You.
Shine Your light to the veterans returning home from duty and help them unite safely with their families and friends. Make them overcome the traumatizing events that they had experienced during their line of duty.
I pray that You show the veterans Your way so that they can continue praising and glorifying Your name because You are the conqueror.
In Jesus name, I pray.

As a theologian, I have always been curious to learn more about the Christian Faith. That is why I pursued a Certificate in Christian Studies, Certificate in Christian Foundations and a Masters in Theology. I also have an immersive experience in editing for numerous websites. I have worked as an editor for over a decade and am currently the editor-in-chief at Christian Faith Guide. I enjoy working as an editor and feel privileged to share my expertise and help spread God’s word. You can read more about me on the about us page.