As we approach this festive Christmas season, with our hearts full of joy and merriness, we thank God for loving us so much he gave us the gift of his son, Jesus Christ, who, for our sins, died on the cross.
Let’s thank him for the provision and our bountifulness by bowing our heads for a word of prayer.
Let us pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come before you this glorious day to speak of your goodness and mercy upon us this Christmas. We thank You for fulfilling your Word that a child is born, and he will be called a Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace, which is why we come together to celebrate Christmas.
Your faithfulness and presence in our lives are evident. Teach us your will and help us fulfill your perfect plan for our lives and the lives of others as we celebrate another year of Christmas.
Dear Lord, as we celebrate that you gave us the Word inform of flesh the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness, and made his dwelling place here among us, for us to see the glory of the one and only son full of grace and truth, may this Christmas serve as a reminder of the love you have for all humankind.
We ask that the Christmas spirit of laughter, song, prayer, and thanksgiving be bestowed upon us, and may our hearts be filled with love and joy this Christmas season.
Father, we thank you for the abidance of all good things, for providing for us more than we need, and for softening our hearts to do good deeds unto others.
Use us this Christmas to bring merry and good tidings to our family, friends, neighbors, and all those in need. We pray that we all accept Jesus into our lives and as our savior this Christmas season.
May our strength be renewed every day.
Everlasting Father, you are the king, the prince of peace, the bringer of joy, the king of kings, and the Lord of Lords. We celebrate you and pray that we get closer to you this joyous Christmas season and forever more.
We pray this through Christ our Lord.

As a theologian, I have always been curious to learn more about the Christian Faith. That is why I pursued a Certificate in Christian Studies, Certificate in Christian Foundations and a Masters in Theology. I also have an immersive experience in editing for numerous websites. I have worked as an editor for over a decade and am currently the editor-in-chief at Christian Faith Guide. I enjoy working as an editor and feel privileged to share my expertise and help spread God’s word. You can read more about me on the about us page.