A Compassionate Prayer for Surgery (Pray this prayer to have a safe and successful surgery)

Before praying this prayer, believe that Jesus Christ is with you as you undergo the surgery and that prayer has the power to unlock divine success.

Rest in God’s embrace and put your trust in His divine grace as you go under the knife.

Now, Let us pray.

Table of Contents

Dear God,

I thank you for the unmerited gift of life that you have that you have given me. I thank you because you have been faithful, gracious, merciful for your blessings and for the far you have brought me by your grace.

I confess my sins before you. Lord, I thank you for this far you have brought me although my body is weak in sickness. Lord, I trust in you that this surgery will be safe and successful.

You say that those who trust in you shall not be put to shame. I commit myself to your able hands as I go into the theatre room.

I pray that you may manifest your power in Jesus’ name. I thank you to the surgeons, nurses, and physicians who are going to attend to me. I pray that you guide their actions to deliver a successful surgery.

Calm their minds and help them to concentrate on the task at hand. I pray that your Holy Spirit may minister to them throughout the procedure.

I also thank you for the knowledge you have blessed them in the field of medicine. I thank you for bringing them together to perform this noble task.

I stand against any accident, errors, and missteps that could lead to loss of life. I pray for safety and success through the medical practitioners going to handle me.

As I go into the room, my heart is full of fear and uncertainties. Give my heart rest assured that you are able to carry me through the whole process.

Let the next few hours I am going to spend here be a success. You said that even through the valley of the shadow of death, your presence shall be with me wherever I go, and I shall fear no evil.

Let this whole procedure bring glory and honor to you only.

Your word says that through you, all things are possible, and I trust that this situation is nothing before you.

Thank you, Lord, for listening to my prayer.

I trust in your assurance that this surgery is going to be a success. In the name of your son Jesus Christ, I pray.


Sources of Inspiration for this Prayer
  • Psalm 23:4
  • Philippians 4:6
  • Psalms 25:1

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