Before we begin this prayer, let us all take a little time to reflect on what a beautiful thing the coming together of a man and woman is. What impact it makes on the family, our society, and the entire Christian community.
May the couple open up their hearts to receive these blessings upon them.
May the congregation lift their hands to bless them.
Let us pray.
Our Loving Father in Heaven,
We give thanks and glory for this wonderful day as we have gathered to celebrate the union of these two people in holy matrimony. We thank God because we know their coming together is part of your beautiful plan.
We ask that you bless their union. May the bride and groom become one in every facet of their lives as you intend dear Lord.
We pray that no one will ever be able to tear this union apart.
Heavenly Father we pray that love will prevail in this union. This couple will love each other with the love of Christ. We pray that as you have given each of them duties towards one another, you will let love guide them in executing them.
We ask that their love for one another will teach them to trust each other, rejoice in the truth, hope when circumstances seem dire, and persevere through the pits of trouble in their marriage because they are only for a short season.
Lord Jesus, we humbly ask that each of them be slow to anger and quick to forgive. May they always thank you every time they think of one another.
We pray that they will receive your blessings and realize that they are better together than apart. May they always be devoted to one another, putting each other’s needs above their own.
May their house be full of joy and happiness. May they be fruitful in every aspect of their lives, for your plans for them are of prosperity and success.
May you bless them with many children, and grant them your wisdom to bring them up in a way that is pleasing to you. We thank you for everyone who has come to witness these two take their vows. May they all be their keeper.
Always pray for them and hold them accountable for their actions so that they may live by your word. We pray this trusting and believing in Jesus’ name.
As a Christian, I have always been passionate about sharing God’s word with young people. This inspired me to pursue a Certificate in Christian Education, an Undergraduate degree in Religious Studies, and a Graduate degree in Theology. My knowledge in school and experience from dealing with the youth made me an expert at discussing Christian-related topics. I feel privileged working as the Coordinator of the Christian Youth Ministry at Christian Faith Guide. You can read more about me on the about us page.