As a born-again Christian, I highly value prayers. I believe that I can tell God whatever I want him to do for me through prayers, and because I have faith in Him, he will truly answer my prayers. About two months ago, my Aunt told me to put her in my prayers, though she did not tell me the exact thing she needed prayers for. I decided that since God knows everything, He also knows what is bothering her and started praying for her. I came up with many prayers for her, and here is an example of a Prayer for My Aunt.
Our Heavenly Father, I am humbled before your mighty throne, praying for my Aunt. I thank you for providing me with a caring and loving Aunt who is always ready to help me. Thank you for giving her good health and a gift of life. I pray that through the mighty name of Jesus Christ, you may always protect her and cover her with the blood of Jesus Christ. Bless her and her family. Provide her with the Holy Spirit to guide her in her daily activities. Grow her faith in you, and let her always trust in you. Hear her heart desires and grant all her wishes. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. Pray this prayer asking God to take control of your Aunt’s life so that He can uplift and protect her in all she does.
In this article, I invite you to join me as we delve into the topic of uplifting prayers for an aunt. We will get to learn more prayers that we can say for our Aunt and whether we can say these prayers for anyone else, so read till the end.
5 Prayers for My Aunt
A short Prayer for my Aunt to be born again
Father God, I come before you praying for my Aunt’s salvation. Save her from sin, and let her receive you into her heart. Forgive all her sins so that she may be among those who will spend eternal life in your Heavenly Kingdom. Grow her faith in you to trust and believe in your word. Wash away her evil past and redeem her through the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I pray that she will receive the Holy Spirit to guide her into your path and to act according to your will. Today, may she be born again as a follower of Christ Jesus. I pray in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. – Inspired by Prayerist.
Pray for your Aunt to receive Jesus Christ in her life and to be used by God as His vessel. Praying for your Aunt’s salvation will uplift her to being a child of God who will receive the Kingdom of God in her eternal life.
A Prayer for thanksgiving and prosperity for my Aunt
Almighty God, thank you for your continued blessings towards my Aunt. She continues to guide me into doing the right things in life. I pray that you will always bless her and protect her from any form of evil. I pray that she will always know how much I love and cherish her. I also pray for her soul that she will receive the Kingdom of God when the time comes. She has always been a good, and I pray that she will get rewarded for that. Father God, bless her hard work and always make her prosper in all she does. Preserve her in your loving hands, o Lord. Thank you for all the good times you have given my Aunt and the good health that you have blessed her with. I don’t take it for granted to have such a God-fearing and wonderful woman in my life. Thank you, God. Amen. – Inspired by Catholic Bible.
Pray this prayer to Thank God for blessing your Aunt and keeping her in your life.
A Prayer For my Aunt’s Healing
Dear Heavenly Father, you are a powerful God. You are our creator and healer when we are sick. I pray today that you may remember my Aunt and heal her. Lord Jesus, you know everything, and I believe you know her illness and where she feels pain. That is why I ask that you may touch her with your healing hand. Jehovah, I not only pray for her physical healing but, more importantly, for her spiritual and emotional healing. I pray that my Aunt may get to know you and trust in you. She is going through a lot of challenges that are breaking her. Lord, give her strength to conquer all these temptations that she is facing. Open her eyes to see your mighty deeds in her life and her heart to receive you. Bless her with your miracle healing so that she may always testify to those around her. Lord Jehovah, please hear this prayer and heal my Aunt. Amen. – Inspired by Grace and Prayers.
If your Aunt is ill and you don’t know or know what is ailing her, pray this prayer, for God has the power to heal. Also, pray that she may get to have faith in God so she can receive healing because God heals those who have faith in Him.
A Prayer for God’s strength and protection towards my Aunt
Almighty God, I come before you pleading for my Aunt’s protection and strength as she is currently facing hard times. I pray that she will not get lost in hopelessness and depression. Give her strength to conquer all the challenges that she is going through. Protect her from the evil plans of her enemies and help her come out victorious. Father God, stand by her side and hold her hand so that she may not be alone or feel alone. I pray that her faith in you will strengthen. Remind her that nothing is impossible for you and you are in control. Thank you because I know you have told us not to be afraid because you will never forsake us. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. – Inspired by Catholic Bible.
When your Aunt is facing difficulties, pray for her so that God can strengthen and protect her.
A Prayer For my Aunt’s Emotional Healing
God, your word tells me that you heal the broken-hearted and bind up their wounds. Jehovah, remember my Aunt who is broken emotionally. She is going through a lot of stress that is making her struggle to find peace and joy. You know what is causing all this stress and mental damage. That is why I pray that you may comfort her and grant her peace of mind. Thank you for you have always cared for her. Be with her today and give her the strength to overcome these feelings. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Pray that God may comfort your Aunt in case she is going through a hard time emotionally. God is a merciful God, and he has promised to heal the broken-hearted. He will hear you and answer your prayer.
Can I say these prayers for anyone else?
Yes, you can say these prayers for anyone else. It does not matter whether you have a close relationship with them. If you feel the need to use these prayers to pray for someone else, it is okay to use them and pray for them. That is the will of God, as indicated in James 5:16. The Bible implies that we should pray for one another. Therefore, we can use these prayers to pray for other people and fulfill the will of God.
Also, According to Galatians 6:2, the Bible implies that we get to fulfill the law of Christ by carrying each other’s burdens. One way that we can carry other people’s burdens is by praying for them. Some challenges are beyond our help, and only God is capable of offering the help needed. Therefore, we should pray for other people to help them carry their burdens to the Lord, so He can help them. These prayers can enable you to carry those burdens when you say them to other people.
How many of these prayers can I say for my Aunt?
You can say as many of these prayers as possible for your Aunt. The best thing is to say all of these prayers for your Aunt because Jesus taught us to pray continually without giving up. In the book of Luke 18:1-8, Jesus gave a parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge to teach his followers to pray persistently.
Jesus said that there was a widow who wanted justice against her enemies, but the judge always refused to grant her justice. The widow did not stop asking for justice, and one day, due to her persistence, the judge decided to grant her wish so she can stop bothering him. Jesus taught that that is how we are supposed to be when it comes to prayers. He said that we should pray continually for God to answer our prayers. Therefore, you can say as many prayers for your Aunt without giving up until God answers them.
As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.