What did Jesus do at the Last Supper (Christ’s Last Supper)?

Every bible reader is aware of Jesus’ ministry on earth, from when he was born, to the day he was crucified and died. Before his death, Jesus shared his last meal with his disciples, known as the Last Supper. However, have you ever wondered, “what did Jesus do at the last supper?”

The Bible records Jesus doing a couple of things at the Last Supper. First, Jesus announced to his disciples that one of them would betray him, as stated in Mathew 26:21. Jesus also broke the bread and gave it to his disciples as a symbol of his body. He then took wine, thanked God, and gave his disciples to drink, which signified his blood to be shed for the sins of humanity. Lastly, Jesus washed all of his disciples’ feet, something that showed him humility and servanthood.

So, what was the significance of Jesus celebrating the last Supper? What was Jesus celebrating in the Last Supper? What happened before the last Supper? What happened to Jesus on the night of the Last Supper? Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet during the Last Supper? What was the importance of celebrating the last Supper? Why was the last Supper scheduled during the Passover? What did Jesus teach his disciples at the Last Supper? What is the message from the Last Supper? Read on to learn the answers to these questions.

What was the significance of Jesus celebrating the last Supper?

The Last Supper has a lot of significance to Christians because of what happened that night to Jesus and what eventually followed. This celebration is recorded in the book of Mathew, Mark, and Luke. The last is a special meal that Jesus had with his disciples, as they shared the Passover meal together.

The Last Supper has great significance, as it signified the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the new era, the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the Jews were required to slaughter a lamb to be eaten during Passover. The lamb’s blood was to be smeared on the earth door of the Israelites, to be spared by the angel of death. Just like the lamb’s blood, Jesus’ blood that was to be shed after the last Supper redeemed humankind, as it washed away people’s sins and made them worthy again before God.

Jesus celebrated the Last Supper also signified his love for people, considering the sacrifice he was giving to save their sins. Jesus knew his time to die was near, yet he sat calmly at the table and shared the last Supper with all his disciples.

What was Jesus celebrating at the Last Supper?

What did Jesus do at the Last Supper?
Jesus at the Last Supper. Source: Pinterest

Jesus was celebrating his earthly journey at the Last Supper, knowing his death was a few hours away. Jesus also celebrated the most important day when he would be crucified and eventually die. In Luke 22:14-16, Jesus informs his disciples that he has been waiting to eagerly eat this specific Passover meal with them before his suffering, as he was not to eat it again until it is given its whole meaning in the Kingdom of God. We can say that Jesus was celebrating his coming reunion with God at the Last Supper.

What happened before the last Supper?

Three important things happened before the last Supper. One, the chief priest and the teachers of Law were working out of their way, plotting to kill Jesus. They had tried to set up Jesus with false accusations that would lead to his death and had not come up with any. As a result, they were determined to find a way in which they would finally turn him against the people, giving them a reason to get rid of him.

Secondly, Jesus’ disciple Judas Iscariot betrayed him just before the last Supper. The book of Luke 22:3-6 records that Satan entered him and led him to the chief priest and the officers guarding the temple, on what they would give him in turn if he would betray Jesus and give him to them. The Chief priests agreed to give Judas money, and the plot to arrest him began.

The last thing that happened before the last Supper was that Jesus had sent his disciples earlier to prepare the Passover meal, which he was to eat with them that night. Jesus had instructed his disciples to go to a certain man in the city, who would give them the upper room of his house to celebrate the Passover. This is recorded in Mathew 26:17-19.

What happened to Jesus on the night of the Last Supper?

Several things happened to Jesus on the night of the Last Supper, as recorded in Mathew 26:36-75. After he had finished eating the last Supper and washing his disciples’ feet that evening, Jesus proceeded to Gethsemane with his disciple, as he had intended to pray. While still there, Jesus was arrested by the crowd, accompanied by Judas Iscariot. This is after Judas betrayed him with a kiss.

During the same night, Jesus was taken to the house of Caiaphas, the high priest, where elders and the teachers of the Law were waiting for him. Several people then came forward to accuse him of things he had not committed until they accused him of blasphemy and decided to take him to the Pilate the following day.

Why did Jesus wash his disciples’ feet during the Last Supper? What was the importance of celebrating the last Supper?

The incidence of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet is recorded in John 13:1-20. Jesus washed his disciples’ feet because he wanted to set an example that they would follow when he was finally gone to heaven. After washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus informed his disciples that he wanted them to emulate them, as enslaved people are never more significant than their master and that the messengers are never greater than the one who sent them. With this, Jesus wanted his disciples to practice humility and servanthood and not think of themselves as masters to the people that Jesus would leave them to lead.

It was important for Jesus to do this during the celebration of the Last Supper, as he knew he had no other chance of demonstrating this selfless act to his disciples.

Why was the last Supper scheduled during the Passover?

Christ’s Last Supper
Last Supper and the Passover. Source: Pinterest

This question has been of debate for the longest time, as scholars and theologians have tried figuring out why the Last Supper was scheduled during one of the essential nights of those days, the Passover. According to scholars from got question ministries, the Last Supper was scheduled during the Passover to proclaim God’s turning point to the world. The people of God no longer needed to sacrifice animals to remember what he did for them in Egypt, as Jesus Christ would do it all by dying for all of their sins on the cross.

What did Jesus teach his disciples at the Last Supper?

Jesus left his disciples an effective teaching in which he encouraged them to remain humble and serve those below them. Jesus taught them this when an argument arose between the disciples on who was the greatest among them.

Teaching them how the kingdom of heaven operates, Jesus informed his disciples that they should not behave like the Kings of the pagans who rejoice in ruling people under their power. Instead, Jesus taught them to carry themselves like servants, as if they were the youngest before everyone. With this, Jesus taught his disciples that it was vital for them to act like servants and serve all the people during their ministry.

What is the message from the Last Supper?

The message from the Last Supper is evident to modern Christians, as Jesus marked a new covenant that evening. Through the bread and the wine he gave to his disciples, Jesus showed us the sacrifice he gave for his love for humanity. The Last Supper also teaches us to remain humble servants of God, as Jesus taught us the importance of serving others and not seeing ourselves as greater before people.


What is the meaning and importance of the Last Supper?

What was the significance of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples?

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The Last Supper- Bible Story

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How does the Lat Supper relate to Passover?

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