When does Jesus say I am (how many times does Jesus say I am)?

The Bible contains numerous instances where Jesus refers to Himself using various titles. Many people use these titles when discussing who Jesus is. Jesus has referred to himself as Christ, Lord, Master, Son of God, Son of Man, and Lamb of God, among other titles, but when does Jesus say, “I am”?

There are approximately 7 verses in the Bible where Jesus says, “I am,” referring to Himself. These verses are scattered throughout the New Testament, but the majority of them are found in the book of John, where Jesus uses the phrase seven times. They frequently reveal the nature of Jesus Christ, his characteristics, and his relationship with the Trinity. John 6:35, John 8:12, John 10:9, John 10:11, John 11:25–26, John 14:6, and John 15:5 are among the verses.

Continue reading if you want to know how many times Jesus says “I am,” Bible verses that show Jesus saying “I am,” what it means when Jesus says “I am,” and where in the Bible Jesus says “I am.”

Where in the Bible does Jesus say I am?

There are numerous instances in the Bible where Jesus says, “I am,” and the book of John in the New Testament contains the greatest number of such instances. There are other instances, particularly in the Gospels, where Jesus is depicted as referring to himself as “I am” and then proceeding to use various metaphors to try and explain who he is to his listeners. The majority of these are wrapped in parables that require careful consideration to understand and reveal what Christ is saying.

Some of the verses where Jesus speaks and says I am include John 8:56–59, where Jesus refers to Himself as I AM, equating his being to the I AM God in Exodus 3:14. God referred to Himself as “I AM” to Moses, implying that He was a self-existent God who existed entirely on His own.

Furthermore, during his famous teachings, Jesus says “I am” seven times in the Book of John. This revealed his identity and how he planned to save the world. This is mentioned in John 15:1, 5, where Jesus says, “I AM the true vine.” He also says, “I AM the Bread of Life in (John 6:35, 41, 48, 51), “I AM the Resurrection and the Life in (John 11:25), “I AM the Light of the World in (John 8:12), “I AM the Good Shepherd in (John 10:11, 14), “I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life in (John 14:6),” and ” (John 10:7, 9).

Bible verses about The I Am’s of Christ

The light of the world

Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world.” “He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”John 8:12

As the light of the world, Jesus came to give us the option of choosing Him or the darkness associated with the devil. By rescuing us from the snare of sin and condemnation, Jesus illuminates and transforms our lives.

The good shepherd

“I am the good shepherd.” The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” –John 10:11

Our protector, provider, and caregiver are Jesus. He sees to it that we are well-fed to live well. He gives us life by meeting our basic needs and providing us with the wisdom and strength we need to live good and wise lives. He guards us against all attacks from the enemy, both known and unknown. He sacrificed his life for our sake.

The bread of life

And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” –John 6:35

Following the feeding of the five thousand, Jesus retreated to a location where he spent time alone in the presence of the Father, as was his custom. He went about his business, but it appeared that people were following him because of the food. We are reminded here that Jesus is the bread that completely satisfies us and that those who accept him have eternal life, but the bread that people were seeking was perishable, and Jesus sought to remind them of this.

The Vine

“I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”John 15:5

In this passage, Jesus referred to Himself as the vine, illustrating how its branches relied heavily on the vine for health, life, and nutrition to thrive. As a result, he reminded everyone that he was the ultimate source of life. There is both earthly and eternal life.

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

Jesus revealed here that salvation is only available through him and no other means.

The Door

I am the door.” “If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture.”John 10:9

According to this verse, Jesus is the only one who can lead us to the true path of salvation.

The Resurrection and Life

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life.” He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. “Do you believe this?”John 11:25, 26

Jesus possessed the ability and power to defeat death. According to the Bible, he raised Lazarus and Jairus’ daughter from the dead, demonstrating his victory over death. Jesus demonstrates here that he has defeated death and will raise the dead in the last days.

How many times did Jesus say I am?

In the Bible, Jesus says “I AM” seven times. This phrase is mentioned seven times in the Gospel of John, where Jesus is captured saying it. Seven is a perfect number, and many believe it represents God because only He is perfect and without flaws. The seven mentions reveal so much about Jesus’ character that he becomes a perfect image in the minds of the readers of this Gospel.

how many times does Jesus say I am?
What does it mean when Jesus says I am? See below

What does it mean when Jesus says I am?

Jesus implies that he and the Father are one. He makes it clear that he is God. His statements, however, drew much criticism, particularly from the Pharisees, who saw him as a mere man, and referring to himself as equal to God was considered blasphemy.

Jesus was attempting to demonstrate that the Godhead, God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit—are all one and that he is also God. When Jesus says, “Before Abraham, I AM,” he is indicating that he was present from the beginning with God during creation, when God used utterances such as “let us make,” which is plural. This implies that Jesus existed forever.

The 7 “I AM” Statements of Jesus

I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25)- Jesus had the ability and power to defeat death, and he did so.

I am the door” (John 10:9)-Jesus is the true path and entrance to salvation and the Kingdom of heaven.

I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). It is only through Jesus that we can attain salvation.

I am the good shepherd(John 10:11-14)– Jesus is our protector, provider, and caregiver. He will never abandon us to the sorrows of this world; he will always be with us, guiding and leading us.

I am the true vine(John 15:1-5)- The final metaphorical “I am” statement in the Gospel of John emphasizes Christ’s enduring strength. We are the branches of the vine, and he is the vine. The Christian life can bear fruit only for those who are united to Christ and receive their power from Him, just as a branch cannot bear fruit unless it is vitally united with the vine.

I am the light of the world(John 8:12; 9:5)- Jesus came to overshadow the evil powers of darkness, and he offers us the choice between his way of light and the way of darkness.

I am the bread of life(John 6:35–48)—In this chapter, Jesus establishes a pattern that is repeated throughout John’s Gospel: In this case, immediately after feeding the 5,000 in the wilderness, Jesus declares that He is the source of all life. Meanwhile, he draws a parallel between what he is capable of and what Moses accomplished for their forefathers: “Our forefathers ate the manna in the wilderness and died.” This, on the other hand, is the bread that descended from heaven, which anyone can eat without dying.


What are the seven I AM statements in the Gospel of John?

What did Jesus mean when He said, “I AM”?

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The 7 “I Am” Statements of Jesus Explained

The Names and Titles of Jesus

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