Why is Jesus crowned King? (Kingship of Jesus)

A king is a male who inherits the title by birth or right and rules an independent state. In the Bible, we learn that Israel was ruled by a line of kings. So, why is Jesus King?

Jesus is King because he has the strength and power to have absolute dominion over his realm. In this case, his realm is all of God’s creation. It means that all the rulers will be abolished or conquered in the end, and he will be the only supreme ruler to reign over the entire earth.

What does it mean that Jesus is the King of Kings? Where does Jesus get the title “King” in the Bible? How is Jesus, king? When did Jesus become King? Is Jesus linked to his relationship with David? What does it mean that Jesus is a greater king than David? Why is it important that Jesus is King? Read this article to find out all the answers to these questions and additional information related to the topic.

What does it mean that Jesus is the King of Kings?

“Jesus is King of Kings” means that rulers will be abolished or conquered in the end, and only Jesus Christ will reign as the supreme King of all the earth. No king or power can oppose Jesus and win. This simply means that there is no higher authority than that of Jesus. Jesus’ reign over all things is inviolable and absolute. The title “king of kings” refers to someone who has absolute power over his realm. The realm of Jesus is all of His creation.

Where in the Bible does it call Jesus king?

The phrase “king of kings” appears six times in the Bible. Revelation 19:16 states, “On his robe and his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords,” Jesus is given the title of King to show His absolute dominion over all His realm. Revelation 17:14 also refers to Jesus as King; the title is switched from “King of kings and Lord of lords” to “Lord of Lords and King of Kings.”

Mark 13:26 states, “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.” John sees a vision where Jesus returns to establish His earthly kingdom. In this case, Jesus is referred to as King indirectly when the scripture says, “he is coming in clouds with great glory and power.” 1 Timothy 6:15 also calls Jesus king when it states, “which He will bring about at the proper time—He who is the blessed and only sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords.”

How is Jesus, king?

Why is Jesus crowned King?
Jesus is the Messiah and the savior. Source: Freepik

As per the Old Testament, Jesus is the Messiah and the savior who was promised by God. According to the Scriptures, God chose and declared Jesus to be King. Not only is he Israel’s King but also an international king for all the nations. The Old Testament books of Samuel reveal that the Israelites rejected God as their only King and demanded that Samuel produce an earthly king. As a result, Israel was ruled by a line of temporary human beings. Some kings were evil, while others were just. Later, God fulfilled His plan to introduce a new covenant based on forgiveness and love, which was to be extended to the entire world by bringing forth a new king, Jesus Christ. This is recorded in Isiah 9:6–7.

Ephesians 1:21-23 states, “far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named,” not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. Here, we see that God made Jesus the ruler of all His creation. He reigns over all things.

When did Jesus become King?

According to some biblical scholars, Jesus was appointed King in heaven in 1914, which was approximately 2,520 years after the destruction of Jerusalem. Jehova’s Witnesses also support the claim that Jesus reigned as King in October 1914. Revelation 12:7–10 shows that the first act of Jesus as King was to eliminate Satan and his demons from heaven. The occurrence was not visible to human eyes but resulted in a visible downfall for mankind in Revelation 12:12. The Bible clearly states that at his first coming, Jesus was already chosen as King and has reigned in heaven since he ascended.

Is Jesus associated with his relationship with David?

The term “son of David” is a Messianic title. Matthew indicates that Jesus has royal origins by referring to him as the son of David. The word “son” is used to refer to a descendant. According to 2 Samuel 7:12–13, David was promised by God a king of Israel who was righteous and whose throne would be established for eternity. Jesus was the fulfillment of this prophecy. This made people see the one who would rule forever as David’s greater son. The gospels reveal several times that Jesus is called the son of David. There is also no evidence of Jesus denying that he was the son of David.

What does it mean that Jesus is a greater king than David?

Kingship of Jesus
Jesus is the king. Source: Pixabay

Jesus is a greater king than David because he sits at the right hand of God and receives greater glory. He is also a greater king than David because he is both divine and human. This means that despite being the son of David, he is also David’s lord. We also see that Jesus is both a king and a priest, although being both a priest and a king was not acceptable in ancient Israel. This, too, proves the fact that Jesus is a greater king than David.

Why is it important that Jesus is King?

Jesus being King is an essential aspect of the gospel we believe in. Jesus’ reign shows the fulfillment of Israel’s monarchy, which is the true purpose of every legitimate kingship throughout salvation history. Jesus being King is also essential because it promotes change in a person’s lifelong mission. This is because Jesus positively influences someone’s outlook on life. After all, he gives his loyal followers a mission and a purpose, which are to promote kingdom values and to start living as subjects of the kingdom every day in their lives and work.


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