How Jesus changed the world (how Jesus’ life impacted the world)

Though Jesus came from a small town, he is globally recognized as the most influential historical figure. This topic is worth discussing because not many people understand the impact of Jesus on the world. Read on to find out how Jesus changed the world.

Jesus changed the world since he brought salvation (Matthew 1:21), advocated for women’s rights, defended children, and showed compassion for the needy and sick. His teachings inspired the establishment of universities and hospitals. Jesus also changed the world since he inspired art and science.

What does it mean that Jesus changed the world? Did Jesus’ life and death change the world? In what ways did Jesus change the world? These are some of the questions that this article will cover. By the end of it, one can also discover the historical impact of Jesus over the millennia.

What does it mean that Jesus changed the world?

Since Jesus was the son of God, he was sent to transform the world. Jesus changed the world by bringing helpful reforms that made the world a better place. Some of the ways Jesus managed to transform society are by ending bad practices, teaching good habits, and spreading the word of God. Since Jesus came to the world, his influence on people’s lives has never been surpassed. Though he came to the world thousands of years ago, his impact is still felt today.

Did Jesus’ life and death change the world?

Yes. Jesus’ life changed the world since his followers learned a lot from his teachings. For instance, when Jesus was on earth, he used to offer humanitarian aid to the less fortunate in society. In Luke 14:13, Jesus said, But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.

Jesus’s life changed the world since it taught people to follow his example. Caring for the needy and poor has been part of Christianity’s legacy since this religion began. The life and death of Jesus changed the world since it transformed individual lives.

Since the time of Jesus, people have been giving testimonies of how Jesus touched and transformed their lives. The Bible explains how Jesus’ disciples became more enthusiastic to preach his word after they saw the resurrected body. They managed to spread the good news to thousands of people and were even willing to die for him.

The death of Jesus changed the world since it opened the door for access to God the Father. The Bible mentions that when Jesus died, the curtain of the temple was torn into two (Mark 15:37-38. Before Jesus died, the high priest was the only one granted access to the Father since he was the only one allowed to go past the curtain in the temple to pray.

This changed when Jesus died on the cross. The torn curtain signified that everyone now had direct access to the Father.

The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ changed the world since it brought hope. Since Jesus triumphed over death and evil, it gave Christians hope for the future. Believers no longer fear death since they are assured of life after death. Jesus said I am the resurrection of life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live (John 11:25). The death and resurrection of Jesus also changed the world since it marked the intrusion of God’s ways into the world.

5 ways Jesus changed the world

how Jesus’ life impacted the world
Jesus changed the world. Source: Pixabay

He brought salvation

The Bible says that Jesus came to save us from our sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus changed the world in that any individual who chose to trust and believe in him receives salvation. He did not give people only moral principles that they should live by. Rather, he promised individuals that if they got saved, he would come and live inside them, empowering and guiding them to live meaningful lives.

Before the birth of Jesus, God had not revealed his plan for salvation to mankind fully. This changed when Jesus came since man was now given details that gave his life full meaning.

Now, humans understand how to get saved. By bringing salvation, Jesus freed man from sin. This is further explained in Romans 8:2, which says, For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.

Jesus advocated for women’s rights

Before the coming of Jesus, women were treated inhumanely. Men did not view them as equal members of society and often saw them as slaves. This changed when Jesus began his public ministry. He always treated women with respect and dignity.

The Bible suggests that Jesus had a lot of friends who were women, and some of them supported his ministry (Luke 8:1-3). Jesus did not discriminate against women like the rest of the men. He ministered to all kinds of women, including the unclean, prostitutes, and sinners.

Jesus taught that women are worthy in God’s sight and equal to men. The Christian faith produced the women’s rights that exist today.

He defended children

In the ancient world, if children were of the wrong gender, they were left to die, while some were sold into slavery. This practice changed when Jesus came due to his teachings about children. Luke 18:15 suggests how Jesus showed the value of children. This verse says, But Jesus called them to him saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of God. ’’It was Jesus’ treatment of children that led to the forbidding practices like selling them to become slaves.

Jesus inspired Education

Christians have been following the teachings of Jesus since he was in the world. His teachings led to the introduction of learning institutions like schools and universities such as the University of Oxford. Many Christian scholars also established guilds of scholars and places of preservation of knowledge.

He inspired art and science

During ancient times, art was used to glorify rulers and kings. However, this changed when Jesus came since art was now considered public property. Since the beginning of history, Jesus has inspired numerous pieces of art.

Before Jesus came, people believed that small gods and spirits influenced the forces of nature. However, when Jesus came, he emphasized that there was only one God (John 5:44) who made everything in the world and mankind. Christians understood this, and man started experimenting with nature to understand it better. Jesus, therefore, inspired Christians to develop science.

The historical impact of Jesus over the millennia

Jesus had a drastic impact on history over the last 2000 years. Billions of people today identify with Jesus and live according to his teachings. Even other religions besides Christianity regard him as a significant figure. The calendar system that the world uses for historical years, AD and BC, is based around Jesus’ birth.

The Gospels that describe the works of Jesus are the most documented writings from the ancient world. Though Jesus had only 12 disciples, this number increased significantly by the end of his earthly life. By 100 AD, numerous church communities were living by Jesus’ teachings in different regions. By the end of the 4th century, Christianity had spread to different continents, like Western and southern Europe, the Middle East, and some parts of Asia.

Christians also began educating the masses and translating the Scripture into different languages. Due to the compassion of Jesus and his emphasis on caring for the sick (Matthew 14:14), Christians were inspired to build hospitals. Jesus came from a small region and was shunned by political leaders. However, 2000 years later, he is still the most popular person in human history.


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