A sincere prayer for addiction (Overcome your addiction with this simple and powerful prayer)

Before we pray, remember that God still loves you even when you are dealing with addiction. That is why He will listen to you and deliver you; you only have to believe and listen to Him.

Have faith that as you pray, you will receive divine healing.

Let us pray

Heavenly Father,

I come to you at this moment to thank you for the gift of life and blessings all over my life. Father Lord, I repent of my sins and my stubborn nature as a human being.

Dear God, I am lost; I am drowning in heavy waves of addiction; I cannot take it anymore. God, I need you to work on me.

Help me overcome this addiction and restore me to soberness so my body can be a holy temple once more.

God, your word says you cannot let me be tempted beyond what I can take. Your word emphasizes that I can find a way to escape the temptation.

Father, I pray for strength to say no to this addiction any moment it tempts me. Father, may all the relationships and connections that catalyze this addiction further be destroyed.

Your word says that bad company ruins good morals. Dear God, remove all negative people from my way and connect me with a group that leads me to healing and restoration.

Oh, sweet Jesus, I pray in faith that you heal me and teach me to be disciplined in my healing journey. Your word says that if I ask you in faith, you will heal me, so I pray that you save me from addiction.

For my sake and the sake of my loved ones, Lord, provide divine intervention for me. Grant me the courage to do things that benefit my body, soul, and spirit whenever I have cravings.

Father, I put every healing program that I attend into your hands so that I get out of each program better than before. Father, I pray that I stay positive through this journey and grant me the strength to hold me from falling back into the pit.

And when you heal me, dear Lord, bring me closer to you and grant me peace that surpasses any form of craving. Let me find joy and contentment in useful things that replace addiction.

Let me always remember your unending love for me. Cover me with your blood.

In Jesus name, I pray,


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