A Gratitude Prayer for Communion (Pray This Prayer Before Taking Your Holy Communion)

Say this prayer before taking the Holy Communion to give thanks to God and feel his presence as you share with your brothers and sisters as Jesus commanded. Use this prayer to draw closer to God through the Holy Communion.

Now, let us open our hearts to God and pray.

Dear Lord Jesus,

I come before you today with thanksgiving in my heart for your gift of life. I thank you, God, for your faithfulness in my life and for the far you have brought me.

I confess my sins before your throne of mercy, cleanse me from all unrighteousness through your blood. I thank you, Lord Jesus, for the sacrifice you gave for my sins at Calvary.

You gave up yourself to die so that I may obtain everlasting life. This Holy Communion that I am about to take is a reminder of the sacrifice at the cross.

Your body was broken so that we can break this bread in remembrance. Your blood was shed so that we can share in this cup. I thank you for allowing us to know you and share in your glory.

During the last supper, you instructed your disciples to break bread as a sign of your body that suffered on the cross and take a cup as a symbol of the blood you shed for our sake.

I thank you for the communion of brothers and sisters around the world who also partake in this. May we be bound together in Spirit by taking communion wherever we are.

I also thank you for your provision for this meal that I am about to take. Bless it for your glory.

Lord, you instructed us to continue doing this till you return to take the church to be with you in Heaven. Help me in my journey with you to eternal life in Heaven, where we shall share with you this communion.

May this Holy Communion bring me closer to you and cultivate my faith in you. I pray that you bless me with your Spirit to hold on to the faith till the hour of your advent return.

I thank you for your providence, faithfulness, and the gift of eternal life through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

In the name of my Lord Jesus, I pray.


Sources of Inspiration for this Prayer
  • Luke 22:19–20
  • 1 Corinthians 11:24–26
  • Luke 22:20
  • Matthew 26:17–29

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