Before we pray, reflect on the moments when you were engulfed by fear, but when you called the name of Jesus, you overcame your fear.
Remember that Jesus Himself emphasized the need to be courageous; therefore, He knows when you need to find courage. Open your heart to him and ask him to help you be courageous.
Let us pray.
Heavenly Father,
I come to you at this moment to thank you for the gift of life and overflowing blessings in my life. Dear Lord, I am in a moment where I need to stay courageous, but I can’t. I’m constantly overwhelmed by fear and anxiety.
I call on your name, Father, that you may make me courageous in this stormy season of my life.
Promise keeper, your word promises me that you will strengthen me and help me when I am weak. According to your Holy word, Father, you are always with me, so I should be courageous.
Today, I pray that I may feel your divine presence around and inside of me. I pray that with your presence, I find courage and overcome fear.
Sweet Lord, you promised to pass with me through waters, rivers, and fire, and I will be safe by your power. Father, I pray for these reassurances whenever I start to fear and can’t find my courage.
I pray that you remind me that you are my Mighty Savior whenever I tremble. Lead me to a place where I fear no mortals because in you trust.
Turn my trembling soul into a brave soul that fears nothing because you walk with me in the darkness.
Father, you are my only light and my salvation; in you, I seek refuge when I am in trouble. Now more than ever, I need you to work on my soul, take away all the fear, and replace it with courage.
Father, I pray that your Holy Spirit stays with me and keeps me courageous during this hard phase of my life. When you bless me with the courage to face my fears, I pray that you may grant me the spiritual courage to keep seeking your word and that I may forever rely on your power.
In Jesus’ name, I pray,

As a theologian, I have always been curious to learn more about the Christian Faith. That is why I pursued a Certificate in Christian Studies, Certificate in Christian Foundations and a Masters in Theology. I also have an immersive experience in editing for numerous websites. I have worked as an editor for over a decade and am currently the editor-in-chief at Christian Faith Guide. I enjoy working as an editor and feel privileged to share my expertise and help spread God’s word. You can read more about me on the about us page.