An insightful prayer for Easter (say this simple prayer to have a good Easter)

As you celebrate this Easter, you can reflect on what Christ did for you, the cost God paid to redeem you. Have you ever thought about what manner of Love Christ showed when He died for you and the power that rose Him from the dead to conquer death?

On this Easter, meditate on the Risen Christ and the victory He brought to you. Open your heart to Him, and let us pray.

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Dear Lord,

Thank you for the work of the Cross, which you took on our behalf. I am grateful for the love you showed by dying on the Cross, and conquering death so that I may live.

Father, I come to you this moment of Easter to adore you because you are a victor. My heart is filled with joy when I know you paid the price for me and won the battle for me.

You took the penalty of death that I was to pay, and set me free. When it was thought that you were dead, you rose again on the third day. You are risen, Lord, you have given us freedom, and now I live in victory.

I do not take it for granted, having suffered, being bruised and spat on for my sake, thank you. Lord, you have been exalted, lifted high, and you sit on the right-hand side of God as our advocate to intercede for us.

And when you ascended, you sent the Holy Spirit as our helper so He would guide us. All these you did for your love for us.

Father, may your grace be sufficient for us even as we celebrate this Easter. Let your love abide in us and spread to those with us.

Your word tells us that because you live, we shall live, and you have been set apart from sinners because you are a Holy High Priest who meets our needs.

Let this Easter bring good things into my life; let it bring peace, joy, love, and blessings. Help us extend the grace you gave us to accommodate others through forgiveness, just like you forgave us.

Help me not ignore the cost you paid so that I should not take you back to the Cross. Help me stay Holy so that your name will be glorified.

I believe in your resurrection and that you shall come again. Help me to be like you so that I shall spend eternity with you.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


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