Last year I went through trying times that I thought would never cease. At one point, I questioned whether there were any better days ahead. As a believer in God, I knew what I needed to do to have light at the end of the tunnel. I found comfort and reassurance through talking to God. Through my experiences, I realized the need for prayers for better days.
The scripture implies that those who are believers of the Word should pray to God during difficult times. You can offer a prayer for better days. An excellent example is, “Lord, provider of life. Up to this point, You have provided me unimaginable blessings. Difficult times may come but I know better is yet to come. Please give me the hope and strength to continue. Amen.” Inspired by Philippians 4:6
Join me in learning what the Bible says about praying for difficult times and whether you can say these prayers more than once. Also, find out the Bible verses about Prayer during hard times. If you are going through a difficult phase in life, the article will guide you through prayers for better days. Keep reading to discover this and much more.
What does the Bible say about praying for difficult times?
The scripture encourages Christians to turn to God in prayer during difficult times. Mark 11:24 Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. This scripture reassures us that we will receive all we ask God for.
We should trust in His ability to give us peace and see us through difficult times, which we should seek through prayer. We should emulate Nehemiah who prayed and fasted for four months seeking mercies from God on His people. He turned to God at his point in need, as we should do, for he had confidence in the Lord.
Bible verses about Prayer during hard times
Psalm 32:6 Therefore let everyone who is godly offer prayer to thee; at a time of distress, in the rush of great waters, they shall not reach him. In this verse, we get reassurance that we should pray to God during distress.
James 5:13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is any cheerful? Let him sing praise. From this verse, we learn that we should pray during times of suffering and in happy seasons.
1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxieties on him, for he cares about you. From this verse, we learn that whenever you feel anxious, pray to God. He will relieve all the worries.
Other verses are Philippians 4:6; Joshua 1:9; Ephesians 6:18 and Psalms 62:8. In these scriptures, God’s Word reassures us to be strong and have courage during hard times. We may have anxiety about all that goes on, but with prayer, God will listen to our requests.
10 Prayers for better days

Prayer for better days
Everlasting Father, You have done well in my life. Some days seemed dark and challenging, but you could turn things around. Things are now more complex than they always have been, but I trust Your power over my life. I know there is nothing You cannot do. The world seems tumultuous with many adverse incidences, but I pray things to improve. Nothing is beyond Your understanding, as You can do all things. During all seasons, be it the rains or lack thereof, please, Lord, prepare us so that we may be able to avert any natural disasters. Oh God, please be my provider. Please reassure my hope for better days ahead. Bless me that I can stand in for those who cannot do so alone. I ask for pardon for the sins that I have committed knowingly and unknowingly. I ask this through Christ Your Son, amen. Inspired by Olivia & Elizabeth
There is nothing too big for God to handle. Therefore, pray to Him and ask for His protection and provision for the days yet to come.
Prayer for hope for better days
Dear Lord, I am grateful for the universe and everything in it. Each day above the ground is a blessing, a gift I always am thankful for, Heavenly Father. Thus far, You have provided me with more than what I asked for. Lord, give me hope for the future that I may be patient on the good things and days yet to come. There are times that I have questioned the possibilities of a better future. Forgive me, Lord. Bless me with a hopeful mindset that sees beyond all the current storms. Lord, I also place the world in Your able hands. Give hope to the less fortunate and those going through difficult life phases. I pray this trusting and believing in Your name, Amen. Inspired by Prayers
Say this prayer when you feel you need hope for better days. God is always present to hear our pleas, do not be afraid to call on Him.
Prayer for abundance
Merciful Father, I come to You with thanksgiving in my heart. I am grateful for all the blessings, and the greatest of all is that of life. You have provided me with food, good health, peace of mind, friends, and family. I don’t take any of these for granted, as not everyone gets to have them. Oh Lord, today I place my future in your hands. I pray for abundance in the coming days that I may experience abundance. As Your Word says in Psalm 34:10, those who come to You to seek providence will never lack. Lord, I trust in You and believe You will do more than I envisioned. I pray through Christ, Your son, Amen. Inspired by Deuteronomy 28:11
God is a provider, and if you believe in Him, there is much more He can do for you. Pray for abundance, and He will fulfill your heart’s desires.
Prayer for happiness in the days ahead
All knowing FatherFather, You are my source of joy and happiness. On days I was weak at heart, Lord, You gave me a reason to be strong. On days I was sad and depressed, You gave me a reason to smile again. Right now, things are happening that are stressing and making it difficult for me to go on with my day-to-day life. Lord, I do not want these situations to rob me of my happiness. You can turn around any case and make all that is impossible possible. Turn my frowns into smiles. Lord, turn my situation around. I know there is nothing You cannot do. In You, I find happiness and peace. You can make my dull and gloomy days into happy ones. Dear Lord, I remember my family and friends. Bless their coming days with joy. Walk into their lives and provide for them. I know You are a merciful God, praying this in Jesus’ name, Amen. Inspired by Jeremiah 29:11
Sometimes, difficult days may try to rob us of happiness, but God is the ultimate provider. Pray to Him that He may turn around the frowns into beautiful smiles.
Prayer for positive thoughts
Dear Lord, I come to You with humility, asking that You protect my thoughts. Sometimes I have felt weak and unable to face the world. There is turbulence weakening my thoughts and belief in a better tomorrow. Help me believe in Your Word and the endless possibilities of better days that are yet to come. Lord, please block any negative thoughts from building in my mind. Replace them with positive thoughts. Remind me of all the times You have been able to turn around difficult situations in my life and give me a heart that remembers that all hope is not lost. Allow me to face tomorrow with a positive mindset. I offer this prayer through Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Inspired by Kimberly Wall
Our minds are influential and may steer us into believing in the possibility of better days. Present this prayer before God, and ask Him to protect your thoughts and replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
Prayer for peaceful days ahead
Lord, You have been able to give my life meaning and purpose. There are moments that I have felt weak, but I turned to You, and You made all things work out. Currently, Father, I lack peace in my life. I am praying that you grant me rest. Allow my mind to rest from overthinking. I worry about my life and how it will turn out. Right now, I come to You asking that You may reassure me of better days. What You were able to do before, I trust You will do even better. Help make my life have meaning. I may not record all the difficult days, but I have peace in my current situation. I ask this through Christ our Savior, Amen. Inspired by Aaron Brown
When you feel you lack peace in your life, turn to God. Pray to Him, and ask Him for peace and rest so that you may have less worry about the coming days.
Prayer for strength in the days ahead
Lord our Father, our provider of all the seen and unseen. I pray that You give me the strength to face these difficult days. God, you provided Samson with immeasurable strength, and I know You can do the same for me. Calm my anxiety and nervousness and replace them with confidence in Your Word. Under Your watch and that of Your angels, I know I can come out of this victorious. Fuel my soul with strength, and at the end, all glory and honor come back to You. I ask this through Christ, Amen. Inspired by Isaiah 40:31
There are days when you will need more strength to see yourself through the difficult days. Trust in God, who will provide you with strength.
Prayer for better opportunities
Heavenly Father, I am praying for better opportunities in my life. Currently, Lord, things are not working in my favor. I need Your hands over my life Lord. Please see me through these moments and get me to better opportunities and phases in life. Anything sent to distract me, I rebuke it, Lord. Bless the work of my hands that it may get me better opportunities. Whatever I think, I pray that it manifests in real life and results in good progress. Lord, please bring people who will take me to greater heights and introduce me to better opportunities. I believe and trust in Your promise for a better tomorrow. I ask this through Christ, Your son, Amen. Inspired by Kimberly Wall
Go humbly before God in prayer seeking better opportunities in life. He can do what no man can do, therefore, turning around difficult days into better opportunities.
Prayer for gratitude on difficult days
Oh Lord, I come before You, thanking You for blessing my life. I may be having a tough time, but that does not take away all You have done for me. You are the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow. All glory and honor come to You. I believe and trust that You will turn around my life. You will change my misfortunes into praises of Your Holy name. Dear Lord, make me a testimony of Your Work. And after all, is done, all honor and praise will be Yours. Thank You for giving me hope for better days and the Spirit to keep going. Lord, I know You will not fail me. I ask this through Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen. Inspired by Olivia & Elizabeth
It is vital to see beyond the hard times and remember all the good things God has done for you. Pray to Him and give your gratitude as He may see you through the current turbulences in your life.
Prayer for Love during difficult days
Dear Lord, I may be going through a difficult time but I want You to remind me to show still show love. Heavenly Father You have always showed me love through all seasons; good and ugly. Let me follow Your lead and show love to those suffering and those around me. Please Lord, do not allow the evil spirit to take over my heart and fill my heart with love. Instead cover me with gratitude and love in hopes of better days that are yet to come. I pray this believing and trusting in Your Holy name. Amen. Inspired by Romans 8:28
In hard times, it may be difficult to show love. In most cases, hatred and negativity may take over, but, if you go to God in prayer it will work out.
Can I say more than one prayer for strength during challenging times?

There is no limitation to how many times one may pray during difficult times. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray constantly. As the verse says, we should often pray, not limit the number of times we go to God. God is always ready to hear our prayers. During the difficult days, we may need Him more and the best way is through prayer.
Ephesians 6:18, the Word tells us to always pray, which could be as many times. Furthermore, through prayer, you may feel reassured, heard, and protected in hard times. The devil may use this period to weaken your belief in Jesus Christ. Therefore, pray without ceasing and place your faith in God’s ability to change things around.
Can I say these prayers for anyone?
As followers of Christ, the scripture guides us to pray for one another more during difficult periods. James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects. If you know anyone going through a hard time, submit them before God through prayer.
There are those whose faith may weaken during such times. As a believer of Christ, take this chance and lace them before God in prayer. Do not forget them, especially if you are unable to reach them physically. Prayers from another person are equally effective. Many of us may have survived difficult and trying moments through prayer of loved ones.

As a devout Christian, I have always been passionate about the Christian faith. This inspired me to pursue a degree in Religious studies and a Masters in Theology in college. I have also been privileged to teach 4 Christian courses in a college and university. Since I am dedicated to spreading the word of God, I am actively involved in the Church. Additionally, I share his word online and cover diverse topics on the Christian faith through my platform. You can read more about me on the about us page.