A Touching Prayer for Infertility (Heartfelt Prayer for Those Struggling with Infertility)

As we begin this prayer against infertility, reflect on the power it has to rid you of your affliction and bring God’s victory into your journey.

Just as Hannah and Rachel prayed to bear children and the Lord granted them favor, so shall it be for you.

Let us pray.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ascribe only honor, glory, and adoration to your Holy name. You are like none other, and you alone are the Most High. I thank you, dear God, for all the amazing gifts you have graced me with, even in my circumstances.

I can never withhold my admiration and thanksgiving, no matter how hard my experience with infertility has been. But I do, precious Father, beseech that you rain your blessing and favor on me in my journey to have a child.

As your Holy Scripture says, a childless woman made a mother so becomes happy, and it is my humble request that You bless me in the same manner.

God of God, King of Kings, in your infinite and magnificent power, I pray that you will make me bear fruitful fruit that will praise you all their life.

May I have children that will fill the world and testify to your greatness and grace as you made it to be from the beginning of time. I pray that you break the cycle of constant miscarriage and inability to conceive in my life. Dear God, I also present my spouse before you.

A man’s happiness is in the number of children he has, so please grant us the joy of children while we are still young. There is nothing too hard for you to do, and as we wait, we ask for your comfort during this anxious period.

Give us patience, peace, and grace to wait for your will to be done. I also pray that you grant our family and loved ones the same hope and graciousness as they walk with us on this journey to get a child.

Finally, O Lord, touch the medical staff and fertility specialists that assist us to always be guided by your infinite wisdom. Your timing is the best, and I know you will give us the children we strongly desire.

In, Jesus’ name, I pray.


Sources of Inspiration for this Prayer

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